
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

bra grejer

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kabuki med erik

chilis late night snack 

nån är lite trött (bakis)(?)  ;) 


Kategori: Allmänt

and i started watching idol at tv4 play today, its great that im able to see it from the united states :) im mainly watching cuz this year an old family friend of mine is in it, ludvig :) sooooo all of ya guys VOTEVOTEVOTE for him so he'll go as far as possible :D im so happy for you and i wish you all the best of luck  :DD

sun conference started

Kategori: Allmänt

we celebrated black joeeyys birthday thursday at this mexican restaurant, i split a nacho plate with stinne that was really good actually :) after dinner we came back and i slept in linns bed and in the middle of the nite she turns around and heads my forehead kinda hard hahaha it was kinda funny both just turned away from each other and in the morning that was the first thing we bursted out laughing at.... AND we both did hattricks in the game woppapap so make sleeping together a tradition maybe? won our first sun conference game with 11-0 and it feels soooo fricken good, its abbbb to go down 9 consecutives win and were off to nationals :DDDD
yesterday finally a tanning session, first time in 2 weeks, best evvahahh fuck we live in florida and have been lacking so much tanning lately, feel ugly and pale bleeh.. my house was at the beach so they came home kinda late and had just ate dinner so when they came back i went to dinner with erik, kabukii :) it was really nice and its soo great to be able to sit outside at a restaurant late september. last nite i also tried a new ben and jerry, candy pie bar or something, so gooood :) 
TODAY GAMEDAY AGAIIIN!!! however didnt sleep in linns bed but i have no doubts we'll be fine anyways so lessggoo seahawks win#2 :) puss


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my love for fooood and desert 


fortune cooookie



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great weekend in geeorgia with the team, its always so fun :) and the places we go for food mmmmmmm.....
this was last long away trip (sad) but now conference starts friday woahh :D so time for 9 consecutive wins ->>>>>>>>>>>> to nationals.
anyway georgia, one tie saturday and win yesterday, such a goooood win ahh the happiness afterwardswas unreal, loved it. 
like 9 h back home after tho so we came back to the apartment at 5 am and had class at 8 but skipped it, still tired for next class tho... and the rest of the deyy. 
came home to a completely dark apartment but  linn had lit candles so it smelled so good. now we're watching beyoncebeyoncebeyoncee on youtube, so many good clips and documentaries... how great is she!! hero and erik is in miami over the nite soooooo bedroom to myself tonight. xept for my computer and pretty little liars nightytyy :D


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mycke catchup

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leksandknäckee bästa 

älskade korvstroganoff/ pajjjjj

lite utekvällar /nollning

helt ok frukostmys vid poolen 

moster har fått kattungar 


massagemys och paradise hotel 

tredjehjular jag när erik är här eller? ;) haha 

skulle värma på äggen igen men slog mig när de explodera att man inte ska micra ägg..

love it crowded

Kategori: Allmänt

For a while our house was superduper crowded with us 5 girls + stinnes boyfriend and his 4 friends, filippas friend, and heros boyyyfriend ericckk- it is so much fun having people there even though it gets a little over crowded, but who cares huhhh. one night we were watching paradise hotel and idk it was just not enough room for everyone we basically sat on each other on the couches and people were sitting on the floor etc. paradise hotel is still entertaining though i have to say!
It's been a good week in soccer, weve been practicing finishing and played, were trying 4-3-3 now which seemed to be very successful when we tried it out :) getteeem goals going. tomorrow morning we leave for georgia (our last trip away where we'll stay for longer and sleepover, which is a little sad but anyway im so excited it'll be fun and we gonna kick some azzzzzzzz hehe. 
I'm usually never sick but past 2 days ive been having such a sore throat and my nose is stuffed dunno whats the reason for this but im feeling better now which is good cuzz thursdays is just very long as it is with work in admissions from 10-12 then down to the librarry to work from 12-3.30 before practice at 4. work in the library though-> netflix. gonna keep on watching pretty little liars now BYEEEE 


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finally after being here for over 6 weeks now we finally got a chance to have our freshman initiation and go out!! it was the best nite in such a long time and the games they had to do etc were all very successful. and its so great to get a chance to party with the team as well cuz you get close on a whole different level.. which is beneficial for soccer toooo i think :) 
 wish you were all here to see all the fun performances, so much fun and awesome to see how they let looose in front of us :) 
howevver the grossness of our apartment today-> BLEHHH unreal how sticky the floor was and every table and so much dishes etcetcccc. 
i slept 2.5 h so im dead tired right now even though its 9 only. biggest accomplishment today was studying accounting in the library for 2 h without phones. GOOOD JOB  :D 
and welcome to heros boyfriend whos finallyy here! ill try to stay away from the bedroom as much as possible.. lol just kiddddinggg. fun to have ya here tho.


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so, this friday me and hero were gonna wash our sheets and she put it in the washing machine before the game and then when i got back from the game hero wasnt in so i figured it was washed obviously and decided to put it in the dryer. there were like some soap on the sheets and on my underwear but i was like äh whatever and just put some water on them and then put them to dry with the sheets. then hero comes back like an hour later and is like "oh joey btw i forgot to put on the washingmachine" sooooo THAATS why there was still soap in the sheets and i dont know what the fuck i was thinking either when it wasnt even wet lol sometimes i cant deal with the logic........... how can i not put together that it hadnt been washed yet 


Kategori: Allmänt

drake lil wayne concert

new job in library 

tiffs place

daytona beach morning walk

delfin däraa 

första vinstäään

söndags pluggmys i huset 

rocking our new pants.. at least theyre comfieeee 


Kategori: Allmänt

back after a weekend in daytona. 2 games. supposed to play friday and sunday but it was lightning friday, we played 10 sec then we had to go in and we waited for 3 h til they finally cancelled the game.. so annoying lol. anyhow we played the game saturday morning instead which means we ddidnt do charity work, kinda nice hehe. we did however lose the game not gonna talk about it cuz it only gets me mad so unfair. after the game we went back to the hotel and down to the ocean for some games and a bath :) felt so good. at night we had dinner at Tiffs, food was so fricken nice :) pulled pork, chicken, corn, mac and cheese etc etc. cupcakes and chocolate chip coookies- so full after.. but a huge thanks to tiffs familia :) 
today we played the second game of the weekend and we finaaally won :) 3-0. hopefully that was our turn and we'll keep winning from this point. obviously that was this weekends highlight BUUT when me and elin went for a walk on the beach early this morning we saw dolphins!!!!! they were so close to the shore jumping up from the surface, it was so coool and we were both so amazed and thrilled hehehe, want to experience it again. 
sunday nights doesnt have to be bad and consist of anxiety cuz mondaymorning and schoooool. now my whole house is sitting with school work and other stuff on their computers in the livingroom, also listening to relaxing music in the background, so nice not sitting alone :) love this house and these people. goodnight 


Kategori: Allmänt

im sitting in the library atm, working my first official shift, very exciting lol no very much. It's chill tho you dont do much so have time for homework if so, or netflix hehe. the thunder and lightning right now is INSANE im not afraid of thunder but im officially scared. and now all the lights just shut off damn................................ safe inside though, but practice in an hour(?)) hmm..
last nite we were plenty of people from the team and school overall that went to drake vs lil wayne concert :D it was really coool even though I dont know that many songs... but other people took care of the rapping lol its insane how like val, linn and jo   know fucking all the lyrix haha!! i wish. however, lil wayne won? i would have wanted Drake to win but whatever, it was a really great concert still :D brutal traffic when we were getting outta there tho jeeezzz we were stuck for so long. 
tomorrow morning we leave for another trip to daytona, this time were staying for the whole weekend tho. looooking forward to it :D 2 nites at the hotel by the beach, 2 games, charity work, dinner at tiffs yeayy have a good feeling about it. 

shalalla hard life? NEPP

Kategori: Allmänt

weekend spent in mississippi and alabama. clearly we spend a loot of time on the bus but im not complaining its relaxing. over all it was a really nice weeekend even though the games didnt turn out as predicted, one loss and one tie. however, fun weekend with the greatest teammates :) already looking forward to leave again friday for a whole weekend in daytona with 2 games and charity work(prolly painting). AND not to forget, going to Tiffs place again like last year for food, love her house her family and her :) 
yesterday was laborday so we didnt have school. as i mentioned before kind of a chill start for me since I went to school only monday last week and now only wednesday this weeeeek heehe, since I have tuesdays, thursdays and fridays off.  I really love having all my classes monday/wednesdays. However I have this online classs, but I'm more than ok with it. right now both me and stinne are laying on the couch just finished this weeks homework for that class, round of applause THANKS. 
this morning i made a very easy version of korvstroganoff och ris so i'll have pretty much til we leave friday. gonna try not to buy more shit when were not even gonna be here so im just gonna use what i have already. living on a budget much? nahhhhhhh just being financial, you guys should try it! kissessss and hugs. 


Kategori: Allmänt

fantastisk hamburgare!!! 

panera flatbread 

sen middag. brieee o crackers mums 

cookie dough chokolate chip shake dör 

snyggt blåmärke osv

huset lirar tennis, pentfloor vs basement haha 


äntligen en budlight 
