
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

love it crowded

Kategori: Allmänt

For a while our house was superduper crowded with us 5 girls + stinnes boyfriend and his 4 friends, filippas friend, and heros boyyyfriend ericckk- it is so much fun having people there even though it gets a little over crowded, but who cares huhhh. one night we were watching paradise hotel and idk it was just not enough room for everyone we basically sat on each other on the couches and people were sitting on the floor etc. paradise hotel is still entertaining though i have to say!
It's been a good week in soccer, weve been practicing finishing and played, were trying 4-3-3 now which seemed to be very successful when we tried it out :) getteeem goals going. tomorrow morning we leave for georgia (our last trip away where we'll stay for longer and sleepover, which is a little sad but anyway im so excited it'll be fun and we gonna kick some azzzzzzzz hehe. 
I'm usually never sick but past 2 days ive been having such a sore throat and my nose is stuffed dunno whats the reason for this but im feeling better now which is good cuzz thursdays is just very long as it is with work in admissions from 10-12 then down to the librarry to work from 12-3.30 before practice at 4. work in the library though-> netflix. gonna keep on watching pretty little liars now BYEEEE 


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