
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

back after a weekend in daytona. 2 games. supposed to play friday and sunday but it was lightning friday, we played 10 sec then we had to go in and we waited for 3 h til they finally cancelled the game.. so annoying lol. anyhow we played the game saturday morning instead which means we ddidnt do charity work, kinda nice hehe. we did however lose the game not gonna talk about it cuz it only gets me mad so unfair. after the game we went back to the hotel and down to the ocean for some games and a bath :) felt so good. at night we had dinner at Tiffs, food was so fricken nice :) pulled pork, chicken, corn, mac and cheese etc etc. cupcakes and chocolate chip coookies- so full after.. but a huge thanks to tiffs familia :) 
today we played the second game of the weekend and we finaaally won :) 3-0. hopefully that was our turn and we'll keep winning from this point. obviously that was this weekends highlight BUUT when me and elin went for a walk on the beach early this morning we saw dolphins!!!!! they were so close to the shore jumping up from the surface, it was so coool and we were both so amazed and thrilled hehehe, want to experience it again. 
sunday nights doesnt have to be bad and consist of anxiety cuz mondaymorning and schoooool. now my whole house is sitting with school work and other stuff on their computers in the livingroom, also listening to relaxing music in the background, so nice not sitting alone :) love this house and these people. goodnight 


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