
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

finally after being here for over 6 weeks now we finally got a chance to have our freshman initiation and go out!! it was the best nite in such a long time and the games they had to do etc were all very successful. and its so great to get a chance to party with the team as well cuz you get close on a whole different level.. which is beneficial for soccer toooo i think :) 
 wish you were all here to see all the fun performances, so much fun and awesome to see how they let looose in front of us :) 
howevver the grossness of our apartment today-> BLEHHH unreal how sticky the floor was and every table and so much dishes etcetcccc. 
i slept 2.5 h so im dead tired right now even though its 9 only. biggest accomplishment today was studying accounting in the library for 2 h without phones. GOOOD JOB  :D 
and welcome to heros boyfriend whos finallyy here! ill try to stay away from the bedroom as much as possible.. lol just kiddddinggg. fun to have ya here tho.


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