
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

so, this friday me and hero were gonna wash our sheets and she put it in the washing machine before the game and then when i got back from the game hero wasnt in so i figured it was washed obviously and decided to put it in the dryer. there were like some soap on the sheets and on my underwear but i was like äh whatever and just put some water on them and then put them to dry with the sheets. then hero comes back like an hour later and is like "oh joey btw i forgot to put on the washingmachine" sooooo THAATS why there was still soap in the sheets and i dont know what the fuck i was thinking either when it wasnt even wet lol sometimes i cant deal with the logic........... how can i not put together that it hadnt been washed yet 


  • Pappa säger:

    Detta är riktigt roligt !!!

    2014-09-17 | 19:52:35

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