
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

im sitting in the library atm, working my first official shift, very exciting lol no very much. It's chill tho you dont do much so have time for homework if so, or netflix hehe. the thunder and lightning right now is INSANE im not afraid of thunder but im officially scared. and now all the lights just shut off damn................................ safe inside though, but practice in an hour(?)) hmm..
last nite we were plenty of people from the team and school overall that went to drake vs lil wayne concert :D it was really coool even though I dont know that many songs... but other people took care of the rapping lol its insane how like val, linn and jo   know fucking all the lyrix haha!! i wish. however, lil wayne won? i would have wanted Drake to win but whatever, it was a really great concert still :D brutal traffic when we were getting outta there tho jeeezzz we were stuck for so long. 
tomorrow morning we leave for another trip to daytona, this time were staying for the whole weekend tho. looooking forward to it :D 2 nites at the hotel by the beach, 2 games, charity work, dinner at tiffs yeayy have a good feeling about it. 


  • jokki säger:

    Glöm inte att nakenbada haha

    2014-09-04 | 21:34:46
    Bloggadress: http://jokkihanna.blogg.se
  • Lena Engberg säger:

    Gud va snuskigt gott allt ser ut...
    Tänker på Dig mitt hjärta!

    från oss i Strängnäs

    Svar: visst frestande :D tänker på er också, varje da!! hoppas jobb och skola går bra.

    pusspusspuss på er mina fina
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-09-05 | 20:55:18

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