
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

sun conference started

Kategori: Allmänt

we celebrated black joeeyys birthday thursday at this mexican restaurant, i split a nacho plate with stinne that was really good actually :) after dinner we came back and i slept in linns bed and in the middle of the nite she turns around and heads my forehead kinda hard hahaha it was kinda funny both just turned away from each other and in the morning that was the first thing we bursted out laughing at.... AND we both did hattricks in the game woppapap so make sleeping together a tradition maybe? won our first sun conference game with 11-0 and it feels soooo fricken good, its abbbb to go down 9 consecutives win and were off to nationals :DDDD
yesterday finally a tanning session, first time in 2 weeks, best evvahahh fuck we live in florida and have been lacking so much tanning lately, feel ugly and pale bleeh.. my house was at the beach so they came home kinda late and had just ate dinner so when they came back i went to dinner with erik, kabukii :) it was really nice and its soo great to be able to sit outside at a restaurant late september. last nite i also tried a new ben and jerry, candy pie bar or something, so gooood :) 
TODAY GAMEDAY AGAIIIN!!! however didnt sleep in linns bed but i have no doubts we'll be fine anyways so lessggoo seahawks win#2 :) puss


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