
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

decisions that matters

Kategori: Allmänt

before I decided to go to West Palm Beach for college I was actually very hesitant due to how many swedes that was going to be on my team, and in the whole school in general, I wanted go go to the US to speak ENGLISH, and to meet people that were from other continents, other countries. Afterwards, I couldn't be happier with my decision. Already after a short while I realized what a huge comfort it was to be able to speak my own language on a regular basis, and how great it is to have people with the same background, you have the same views and opinions about alot of stuff. This is not about all the Americans/English/French etc etc. that I hang out with because there is literally NOTHING wrong with them dont get me wrong, and the extent I love hanging out with them, because I do, I love it, I just wanted to say that it's actually not a bad thing going to a school "invaded" by swedes and I believe this is a reason why I have no "I miss Sweden- thoughts" at all, bc that would really suck wishing and praying for the time to fly by faster so you would be home quicker, no..for me it's the opposite, I want to stay…. Well, got sidetracked there, but anyways what I wanted to elaborate on is the fact that when I come home, during summer, or even after my college career, how great it is to be able to hang out with these people on swedish land. I have a feeling that the swedes that goes to school with Americans merely wouldn't have it as easy to meet after college as if you were to go to school with people from your own contry, but on American ground. I recently went down (with an American who came to visit) about 4 hours to spend Midsummer with swedes that we've met through college, and last year we did the exact same except for that we drove 3 hours north instead. Along with us 2, other sweddes from school came to visit and celebrate/hang out with us and two years in a row now Ive had such a great time. I want to consider myself very lucky who have the opportunity to meet you guys over summer before we return to our great 2nd home: West Palm Beach, FL.. and I wish, hope, and know that this is a tradition that we will keep up years after this.
I also truly believe that being that surrounded by sxxxx


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