
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

long time no see

Kategori: Allmänt

I haven't written anything in a long long time, but I've posted pictures so I feel like I really don't have to write that much. It's Friday morning before 8 am and I'm sitting down enjoying my breakfast and looking out at the shitty weather. You guys might think Florida is the sunniest place on earth but it's been terrible all week basically, I've enjoyed it a bit though because 2 of my coaching sessions has been cancelled, hehe, no sorry that's not anything I should be happy about but it was just good timing this week because I've had alot to do. When I didn't get as happy though when it was absolutely pouring our entire day off (wednesday) 
We played our last game before conference starts next week, we won 4-0 and I actually did 3 goals, shock. Felt like a good confidence booost before the real season starts though. 
When I said earlier I have a lot do I wasn't completely honest, I have 4 classes for now, 3 of them in school and one online, so I can definitely handle school, I actually don't mind it since I still like all my classes, how great is that? And I will also miss a lot of wednesday classes because wwe have games, I don't know how I feel about that, not too bothered but I really love the class (psychology) and the teacher is the cutest ever, anyways she told us it was fine so I think we will be ok still, luckily we are about 5 soccer girls in the same class. 
Other things that has happened IS ME AND EMMA PASSED OUR AMERICAN DRIVER LICENSES!!! So we're driving legally big time now which feels great. And for those who doesnt know it yet I bought my own car in August and it feels so great, now I wonder how I survived my first 2 years without one... maybe cuz I used to live closer to school! anyways, the independency feels awesome. 
Since we're sooooo so so many swedes we are having a crawfish party saturaday wiihuu, I'm not a fan of crawfish but it's gonna be so much fun. 
Because of our games have been at dumb times (exactly when I coach my little u8 girls) I haven't seen them for over a week now and apparantly they are asking about me according to the girl who is covering for me, and I just cant wait to see them theyre just too adorable, we have a game tomorrow so I'm excited to seee them little rascals. 
For now I don't have any more updates but I will have more soon, ciaooo :)


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