
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

overwinning our fears

Kategori: Allmänt

We were going to try another hike we were tiny bit scared because it was a 6 hour hike up and down (if you were fast) and in the car before filippa was quite anxious and asked lou to google "dangerous wildlife" and lou showed me in the front a bit discrete how it said "one of ohau's most dangerous hikes" and I whispered back to her Don't show Filippa and filippa starts screaming in the backseat "what did it say?!?!?" and lou responded nothing it just get slippery when it rains (and it was currently raining outside) so we decided to stay in the car for a few minutes before we went out, opened the trunk only to see that our water container had leaked and the shirt I was gonna wear was soaked- happiness. Anyway we started our journey and we were supposed to follow purple dots and we barely saw any and after a while we hadn't seen any for about 1.5h and we thought it was bc the path was too obvious, but how wrong were we. It was so so steep and slippery but noone wanted to turn around, and with a bit miscommunication within the group filippa finally said stop lets google reviews, it said: "after 50 ft OBVIOUS ARROW TO THE LEFT. we had gone right, and we had been walking for how long I said, appr 1.5 h. and we had reached a point where we saw a waterfall from a distance, but literally couldn't get any further bc of how steep it was, so our trip had ended and we started our way down- and we were gliding on our asses on the way down and fell on each other and i dont know, we were just a mess, but we couldn't stop laughing still bc of how stubborn everyone was and didn't wannna bail out. Finally We came down to where we saw the arrows to the LEFT and started walking that way instead and then up that direction, however, we decided that we had gotten enough after about 40 minutes walking right up that way and then went back down. Our hike ended after 5 hours so we were still out for a while. After the hike we stopped at  a beach somewhere to rinse off and then we headed to North Shore to stay with a friend of Filippa. We went out for dinner and then passed out EARLY. 
The next morning we went to a hidden hidden beach along the road and it was just incredible. We relaxed for a few hours, then went to eat butter garlic shrimp from a food truck (specialty over here apparantely) before it was time to pick our Hero up. FINALLY STERLING IS REUNITED IN HAWAIIIII!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D 
right after we picked her up we decided to go to another hike, we thought it was going to be short but beatuiful, we came to the parking lot and told one of the parking ladies we wanted to do the hike, she looked weird at us then looked up at the mountain and said "it's very windy today", but we were there so we were going to do it. As soon as we stepped into the forest we hit a sign "Do Not Go Beyond This Point" we continued even though we tog vatten över våra huvuden. and this I have to say was one of the worst things I've done due to my fear of heights, and luckily the wind went INWARDS and not towards the fricken deadly fall. There were ropes along the way toassist us climbing up and FINALLY WE FOUND THE WHOLE WE WERE LOOKING FOR. It was incredible. but after spending like 10 min there another guy came and said that 3 people had died from the wind taking another turn and sucking the people out. we got scared. took a final picture AND WENT BACK DOWN. 


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