
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

Six Flags, San Diego.

Kategori: Allmänt

We spent our first day in LA at Six Flags, an amusement park for the ones who don't know what it is, and that chain is actually classified as one of the best in the US, but we literally spent 70 bucks each to stand in line and freeze. Think we went on 6 rides during the whole day and it was fricken superduper cold, the rides were fun ofcourse but so not worth it..... Best thing about the day was that we bought a to-go cup with unlimited refills on hot chocolate, I don't know how much hot chocolate I consumed that day to be honest, more than I have been for the past 10 yrs no joke. We came home in hope of getting warm but no no, Hero's apt was colder than Sweden seriously so we had to snuggle up sleep tight next to each other with hoodies and sweatpants. 
28th me, Lou, and Filippa headed to San Diego by bus, took us approx 3 h to get down there and when we arrived we checked in to this hostel called "Lucky D", such a good thing with hostels, so cheap and breakfast included, winning. It felt like being in Sweden for a moment because that night it was cold and rainy and we walked around to every single places (just like in Sthlm).
The morning after it was much warmer and we had a full tourist day in San Diego. BEAUTIFUL CITY. Definitely raisingchildren/settlingdown/seasons everything friendly. We all fell in love. We paid for a trolley to take us around the whole city and we were in places such as Balboa Park, Seaport Village (cutest area by the water with alot of small houses and food places and packed with people), Old Town (where we jumped off for Mexican lunch with a bonfire at our table), and Coronado Island where we also hopped off and walked from one side of the island to the other to watch the sunset, BEAUTIFUL. Completely clear sky so we thought we were going to see a green flash, but unfortunately we didn't. 
At night we went to a new hostel by the water to leave our bags and then walked to a TacoTuesday to get unlimited tacos for 5 bucks. Margeritas were ordered by Lou and Flipp and after a few hours we headed to a Karaoke bar where me and Louise sang the opening song (good thing because we wouldn't have wanted to sing after the next people bc they were way better lol) Before we left for the night we sang a 4 duo with 2 other guys, "I Want it That Way- Backstreet Boys". 
3rd and last day in San Diego started with a run on the beach, perfect temperature and just lovely. Afterwards we made breakfast (eggs, bacon, pancakees etc) on a griddle (stekplatta) on the table, felt really hike-ish. After that we were going to walk to "La Jolla", a beach we had gotten recommended, we started walking and thought the day was going to SO-SO. Not the way it turned out. We decided to hitchhike (lifta) and we walked with our thumbs out for a few minutes before one man stopped, in the smallest porsche I've seen, but we hopped in. And he was overly nice and wanted to take us EVERYWHERE when we said it was our first time in San Diego. We sat in the car with all of our bags all bent and uncomfortable, but it was totally worth it. We made atleast 10 different stops and he took us up along the coast and we got to see seals, beaches, sky diving, shops etc. Our last stop was a known tivoli where he bought us a ticket to one of the Roller Coasters as a "treat", even though we wanted to buy HIM his ticket for being so nice, but he insisted so he was the one paying for all of us instead. It was so fun, and a great way to end our trip in San Diego. After that he dropped us at the bus station and we ended up missing the bus we were suppose to catch and had to wait for another hour. Traffic back to LA was awful and it took us an xtra 2 hours to get back to Matildas apt. But now we've seen San Diego and we all want to go back one day :D 


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