
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

done with schools. Universal, Hawaii. and it only gets better.

Kategori: Allmänt

finally im done with school, just did my last test (online from hawaii. failed. not worth mentioning but I got unlucky) however, FINITO w. fall 2015. Not that im complaining over school... have barely been there for a few weeks bc first we were in Alabama for Nationals for almost a week, and after we lost (BUU) ive only had things online to hand in. And ive also had fanny with me in west Palm for 12 days and we've been doing alot of fun things such as Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures (IN LOVE w them places),  go carting, canoing, visited our dear friend Jackie in Melbourne etc. good times.

Same day as Fanny left to Sweden, I flew to Hawaii instead with Louise (my travelling partner in crime) to visit our Filippa. This place is amazing. Mountains wherever we turn and we've been on 3 different hikes so far. Today we did the coolest one bc it was muddy and we had to hold onto branches, trees, ropes and filippa did a really good job catching herself last minute when slipping in the mud and almost faceplanted 5 times. the trail led us to a waterfall which was amazing, and sooo fun to jump down from
tomorrow we're waking up early for another hike and later on a visit to North Shore, Oahuuuuuu.
Aloha sweet peas 


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