
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

new year new opportunities,hehehe…

Kategori: Allmänt

I've been really bad updating lately. past 3 months. uhm my entire time in sweden so to say, at least picture wise.. However I've posted a few albums on facebook so guys you havent missed out Promise yaa. Anywayys, new start, new year, new attempt to get better at blogging again, for the ones who's interested and have missed it. :) Atleast I'll post more pictures, i dont know about youu but its boring to read and a whole lot funner to scroll through pictures even if they're ugly prettty annoying cool dazzling whatever! 
Fyi it feels SO fricken great to be back tho. me and linn are on clouds right now just loving everything. couldnt be happier and i couldnt be more excited for this year. my 3rd year of college. wow. time flies. BRING IT ON Keiser (?) 


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