
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

hello theere. havent written here in forever so felt like it was time. 
Just came back to west palm after 4 weeks of vacation all over with first mom and my sister and then dad stepmom and my sister, its been amazing tho. First 2 weeks roadtripping in Florida seeing all different places such as Naples, Fort Myers, Key West etcetc. And last 2 weeks first Miami and then Cruise around the Caribbeans. A b s o l u t e l y fantastic. There are so many beautiful places over the world and its been great seeing a few of them like Virgin Islands and Bahamas. The cruise was called Norwegian Getaway and it was the latest addition of vessels available, insanely big and they had everything. Has been great spending time with family too, and especially my sister, she has made these 5 weeks a blast. Said bye to her today and will miss her like crazy, the little kid has finally grown up a little........ :) 
Feels really good to be back tho I'm excited to see everyone and for this new semester to begin :D We dont have wifi in our apartment so right now I'm at tiffanyys and there place to get internet acccess, so convenient being neighbours hähähä.  
Will upload some pictures soon.


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