
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

pre season

Kategori: Allmänt

I've already been in west palm for 15 days and alot has happened. We have gotten so much stuff for our new apartment and now it actually looks really good. also me and emma are starting to get our room in order, some stuff has happened that has caused a bit of a delay (like emma not being able to put her drawer together despite IKEAs easy instructions) today we finally threw it away after over a week of just being in the way in the livingroom. it aint easy when its hard. ive also bought a car :DD so happy. means i can drive back and forth to schoolpracticegrocery store wherever WHENEVER without having to rely on others, feels great period
monday 3rd we officistarted pre season and its been an intense weak with practice 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, we have been sore for sure and we've also been eating like men every meal But today we had a day off and we all went to the beach. cant express with words how happy i am to be back at this wonderful place. i just love everything about it. tomorrow we go 2 sessions again and then we're starting with 1 a dayand wednesday we have our first exibition game :D wow im so excited for this soccer fall too. like ive said a trillion times before... but seriously though I am. and the girls that has come this year are just amazing, off the field as on the field and after every day that pass i just like everyone more and more :) it's 9:35 pm which means bed time for us but ill probably post more after our game wednesday. pictures are coming xoxooxo. 


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