
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

like i said before I wouldn't, i havent posted that much on the blog except for pictures, plenty ofem, so hopefully that gives a bit of a feeling of what our carefree life is like here. 
anyways the games that counts for ranking ans records and all thay have started for real and we're now 1-0 and will hopefully keep that up and be 23(?)-0 by the end of the season, with other words undefeated. atleast we can dream right, it's ehat we aim for and what we're going to work so hard for to achieve. today we have a game against William Carrey, basically the most important game of the season!!! we beat them first round of Nationals last year so they're definitely here for revenge. and Tomorrow we play Mobile, another good ranked team, will be a tough challenge but so fun.
In August we've mostly been "chilling" if you see past preseason but yeah soccer is basically the only thing that have occupied our schedules, and work and other less important stuff :)))) but no school. however it all starts monday.... even though we just got alerts saying it might get cancelled because there is a storm Erika on its way and might come sunday, schhary.. 
Another good thing about August has been the free food in caf hehe will feel weird having to buy/cook my own food now, its been so convenient having everything cooked and served for you. But im not gonna lie will be so nice to get into a bit of a healthier routine making lunch boxes and all that goofy shit, and cooking can be fun. 
Hopefully we'll survive the storm even though it literally sounds like the sky is about to fall down. Hope everyone at home is doing finee and enjoys the last bit of summer, since you dont have summer all year around, hehhe. xxxx


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