
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

okey so the past week was intense for me lol surprised i could "hang" lol. :p tif thought that we hadnt done that much as a team so she made up a schedule for the week about going out tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday RESTDAY and then ssaturday out, to different places every nite, and uhh i dont go out much. and we started off bad by not even going out tuesday buuut I actually went out wednesday to Island Jacks, a fun bar where they have a hot body contest and we were a big group going AND sofiiiia actually won :D you win if you get the loudest cheers so I guess its good going a big crowd, however, she was crazy good at dancing at the bar toooo... 
Thursday I went to the movies with freshies Emma and Julia, we decided we wanted to go at 7.30 and the movie started at 8 and we didnt have a car so we knocked on several doors on campus for a ride downtown and we were lucky and got a ride and made it til the movie started too, we saw "the longest ride", such a good movie. based on a book by Nicholas Sparks, says everything rite for you guys who knows what other greeat books he has written.
Friday, went to the pool for a while and then I came to the beach with Lisa Erin and Val and Erin randomely came upwith the idea to get pierced so we went to a tattoo place and she got her lip pierced, Lisa her tounge, Val her nipple and  I was the baby and just got my upper ear heheh.. later deadtired going to bed but the lillll freshies suggested to go to Renegades (countryclub), maybe they got excited going all country after the movie we saw who knows.... but anyways it was a spontaneous decision and ended up being a great night riding the bull and dancing and just having a good time with plenty of people from school. but shame on emma for making us break our bet "no alcohol for 2 weeks". 
Saturday was a struggle, zombie all morning going to mall and watching guys's soccer game etc, but still managed to attend volleyball tournament at school that was held, loads of people showed up and we had like 6 teams, my team made it to the final but we lost 21-18 bummer :P later pre game at neighbours with fun games but I was just gonna go for a while then go home and sleep cuz I was dead and I actually went home to sleep but then I got sorta persuaded to go out and ended up at the dorms then Rooftop always great time there too, and again plenty of people from school always a success. 
Sunday: were supposed to go to Pride festival at 10 but we woke up at 12 but decided to go anywaysso me and Erin picked up Face and drove down to Miami. I drove and  Erin promised  we would be back around 6 but I doubted that was gonna happen and thingzs happened and how correct was I... We got home around 11.30 buut it was a funfun day with so much crazy things happening around yaa, some people are seriously dressed sooo weird and act so weird and walk so funny etcetc. :p we danced in front of different stages, we went to the beach, we ate sushiii, smoked some hookah, got pierced........ (erin), etc. Great success overall. Except the part where I had to drive back lol tired much.
So I went out 4 out of 7 daze  surprised myself but I've had so much fun and I've barely had schoolwork, what can I say we live the fun life here.:) :) :) btw got my accounting test back today->>>> 92 heheehe first A in accounting this semester eeeek. Also got the baddd news  today but not even worth sharing lol moodkiller but have to catch up on some sleep now anyways so byebyebyebye vänner 


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