
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

eeeek new apartment

Kategori: Allmänt

so for those of you who hasnt heard we cant live in sterling next year cuz theyre douchebags and won't approve us, not that they did last year but we've lived illegal just fine, i guess.. lol but cant do it next year. HOWEVER its not only a bad thing cuz now we've found another 3 bedroom a little bit further away where me, emma, linn, beth and liv will live next year :D :D kinda similiar inside to where we live now but at this other place we live right above the pool wihuu. will miss sterling and our cuute soccer neghibors tho... good thing we're gna be seeing each other all the time anyways!! 
yesterday was an overall success.. we found the apartment in the morning and then we went to Osheas (an irish bar) where we watched Manchester United-Chelsea and drank 10 dollars bottomless Mimosas, uhm dangerous...it is a lot of fun hanging out that many people from school and soccer included is always a plus! buut  we were going back to the dorms at 3 to fill out the application forms for the apartment to then take it to them and I asked lin if i could drink anyways and she approved, maybe I shouldnt have. I came back to the dorms with them and signed the papers but didnt go with them to drop them off, everything is kind of a blur. Apparantely I said I didn't wanna have them as roommates except for Emma was fine and I blamed Emma for my bad handwriting etc. Nothing of that is truue ofcourse :) anyway they took the applications back to our new complex without me and took care of it all, great friends (and future roommates) right there. was hanging out at the dorms the rest of the day/nite and things got less and less blurryy, for example emma practiced driving with julia as her supervisor lol them 2.. and also took my first photograph with a selfiestick, finally. but but but thanking emma for her kind words: "du var gårdagens stjärna helt klart! buga och bocka för den titeln..." så i guess i entertained her at least. 
Also great seing Val again who was here visiting for the night  even though I didn't end up going out with them. 
I got an email from Norwegian this morning saying it is 20 days till take off, goosshh its getting so fucking close right now... 3 weeks til home means like 2 weeks left of school, 2 weeks left of sophomore year... knasigt. welll that's it for now goodbye 


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