
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

we wonst against webber friday with 4-0 and just wanted to get out of that shithole after cuz they were just so annoying and showers were discusting and lalalal, luckily we went home with a win. 
yesterday was just relaxing, practice in the morning, then a little bit of pool, then i was gonna watch the guys game but so glad the freshies came and said they were going mall, we drove to wellington for their forever 21 :) i ended up driving tho, THANKGOD for google maps.... next time better navigator *saralie*.... haha no youre fine. at nite we had a team gathering at amys place, she cooked for everyone and you brought your own meat. it was superduper nice :) we had pasta veggies sauce etc. tiff also brought the most amazing cookies.... dangerous. went to bed early, slept in linns bed again hmm maybe 3rd night in a row? both of us are always laying watching our own pretty little liars with headphones in, haha convenient! 
today new game against warner, which is literally 3 min away from where we were friday -.- so we have to drive back 2.5 h to play- win- go back home :D 


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