
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

so, sad news... my math teacher passed away this weekend. not that i even know him that well but its so sad to hear about. and yesterday there was a memorial for him where several teachers and even students went up to the poduim to talk and tell stories about him etc etc and my throat was literally burning for an hour straight, couldnt hold the tears in!! 
and not only that but now my stats class got cancelled and they are now offering it at nite tuesdays and thursdays 6-7.20, fucking bullshit :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( and the teacher.. dunno what to say other than I miss Mazza alreday. I now have niteclass tuesday wednesday and thursday, fun times fun times.
went to the dorms last nite for some funfun, it was a whole lot of fun but i drove so i behaved big timee hehe. but always fun still do to stuff see new people and hang out with the ones you know already.
game tomorrow away against webber, OUHHKILLEEM :) heiido


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