
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

my birthday was friday, felt kinda sad though i only turned 20 so couldnt even go out to celebrate and say it was my birthdayyy cuz then i would have had to show my real id and on that one im not 21... fail. well it has been a great weekend :) started with breakfast with my awesome roommates at this typical american place nick's diner where we ate so many nice things such as omelette, scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, hash browns, hot chocolate, yammi it was really nice. then wehad a game and won 2-1 which was a good present. later we had dinner at amicis great pizza :) then the celebration continued at some of the girls place where we drank, played beerpong, hung out. night ended at this beautiful place downtown wiith drinks and  with great people. where we sat down you could see the city all lit up and in the far distance you could also hear the music from the clubs. 
saturday we continued with a little poolparty, got a bit of a tan, played some drinking games and listened to music, played other ball stuff, good times! theen we had pregame at ours and then went to rooftop, always on point :) such a good night all over, and day! 
today im working in the library....picked up this shift form 2-6 every sunday-love life hehe. aja har tid o blogga nudå iallafall! accidently wrote that in swedish too lazy to erase. watching idol now as well, ludvig is still in it weyyyy, keep on cheering for him and wish him the best of luck, go gaga!!


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