
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

AND WE'RE OFF TO NATIONALS!!! we had a second chance and we took it, we won both games and now we're off to the first round of nationals that we're either gonna play at our field or somewhere else, we'll find out tomorrow exiciting! and now we have to win that first round to go to Alabama for the rest of the playoffs :D 
I got announced conference player of the year and also made it to the 1st team something hehe don't remember what it was but better than last year when I only made the 2nd one, so I am very proud of myself :) and so proud of the rest of my teammates who made it to 1st/2nd/honorable awards and proud over the rest as well ofcourse ILOVEYOUALL lets fucking go now tfs. 
Ive eaten out alot the past days cuz of celebrations etc, just becuase we've felt like it- like it cuz i've tried 2 new places and havent gotten disappointed yet. And this morning I tried iHop 2nd time- great pancakes right there. Also went to Juno Beach yesterday, first time, soo fricken beautiful and I love seing new placesssssssss
However, the nights are starting to get kinda cold now which is why I just had to buy a jacket yesterday.. left all of my jackets in sweden cuz i didn't think i would need- stand corrected, will ask mom to bring some.......


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