
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

1 out of 2

Kategori: Allmänt

even tho we lost to embry we still had another chance to make it to nationals, by winning yesterday, which we did :DDDD WEBBER WHOOOO. and also win friday against SCAD, will be a tough game since we lost to them in pre season, but we're a much more united team now so I hope hope hopeeee we will win. or i know so. we're playing for linn who broke her leg against embry and is stuck with a cast for like 3 months. I feel so sorry for her, seriously the one that deserves it the least and has the greatest passion every for the game- we're doing this for you my favorite linlin, love you loads <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  • Linnéa Lindmark säger:

    Jojooo jag älskar dig med. du är king och kommer göra så vi vinner detta!!

    2014-11-11 | 20:11:11
    Bloggadress: http://linnealindmark.blogg.se/

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