
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

hey swedennn

Kategori: Allmänt

hello friends. time to switch it up a little maybe. last time i wrote i was in west palm beach and felt abit anxious about leaving the "sunshine state", but listen to this right now im actually sitting on the balcony tanning (topless moahah) and enjoying my friday in my lovely home country, friday also means weekend, you know guys I started working this wednesday so not that much of a holiday for me, but its cool obviously i earn money and clearly thats something we all want and neeeed. 
also started playing soccer this monday, its been a while now since we didnt play the last 3 weeks in florida, it feeels really good to play again, and this time for a whole new team (TÄBY) as well, except for the coaches whom im used to from tyresö. my middle name seem to be timing cuz tomorrow we have  a team party and thats always a good way to get to know people a bit more :) 
we had a game this wednesday in Viktoria Cup and they started with a pk and then scored another goal in the first half, but we fought all the way through and we equalized to 2-2 ,i scored both wihu. went on to penalties straight away which lasted for quite long but finally we won, semifinal next :D next game tomorrow, fingers crossed so we can actually celebrate at night and  not drink to drown sorrows, hähä kidding.
what else to tell.. the jet lag hit me real hard this time compared to when i came home for christmas. i was totally out of it sundaymondaytuesday but im fully back on track now i think, i did everything in my power not to nap yesterday, i managed, and it went fine, surprisingly.
early dinner soon and then off to practice, yesss you read correct, GOTTA LOVE THESE FRIDAY NIGHT PRACTICES, luckily im used to it by now. and to everyone else moderate drinking okayyy. enjoy your weekend folks xooo 
and btw i can finally drive again :) (legally) and right now im driving stick, my passssion enjoying it hehe ciao


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