
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

it was a good weekend to say the least starting thursday already. after practice me and isa hurried big time to olearys to see women champions leauge final with some friends, unfortunately tyresö lost buut sweden played quarterfinal in hockey vm at the same whom they won, so at least one swedish victory that nite it was great seeing especially lillyyy the kid and palmthepalm ive missed them so much.
friday continued with practice and then discobowling, except from 2 other ppl we were the only ones playing, my team lost, bummer.. but it was fun 
game saturday hot as balls but it actually didnt bother me too much which im glad for, perhaps sunshine state did me some good then! we won 5-2 against a big rival so it felt great, and still in the lead (even greater :D) at night we had the house full of guests and had a bbq and ate loads of good food, hung out, danced, sang etcetc and ended the nite watching the mens championsleauge final, ugh so annoyed with the score i dont even want to type it lets just say lucky sonoffaaabitches Real......
sunday it was mothers day so we had a brunch with mom, eating a lot of stuff i havent had in the united states like skagenröra, sill, smoked salmon, shrimps etcetc yammmii. I also voted for the first time sunday yes you can call me a big girl now i spent some time with my sis playing cards and did some shopping, i lost the cards big time ughhh i dont hve the temper for it i got so frustrated... lets hope im luckier when it comes to love lol. at night i went to see henke who i havent seen in forever either, great! we had taco night and watched a somewhat weird movie ,or it was weird cuz it was based on a real story.... pain &gain.
tonight tuesday its time for another game, so exciteddddd letsgo Täby!!! or forza maybe? dinnners waiting ciaoaoooooo readers 


  • Lilja säger:

    Var sååååååå roligt att träffa dig också!!!!

    2014-05-28 | 07:53:19

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