
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

wesitting in bed with elin, hero, linn and jo and were discussing boyfriends and relationships with our families, its really interesting.  we are all so different when it comes to selfcoinciousness........ mexico and springbreak has been so  great this far... we eat so fucking much im in heaven they have EVERYTHING,,,,,,,,,,, salmon, pancakes, omelette,   yoghurt, fruits, jucie, just everything its so great.. im really enjoy this week to the max cuz this is a great place and i just enyoj every second.. today it was kinda bad weather and raining so we took a cab into the town and it was really great cuz its like special since its not THAt hightec........ but it was sor great. 
It has beeeeeen great this far but we hope the wweather is gna  be better tomorrow cuz we have booked a trip to kosumali or whatever its called, sooo hope theyre not gna cancel it ;D were gonna snorkel, visit tempels and the town again, really looking forvard to it so i hope the weathers gna be decent...... 
now weve beeeeen drinking drinks since 6 so its time for me to sleeeeeeeep nighty !!! 


  • mamma säger:

    I´d like to hear more about the self-consciousness.

    Sounds nice in Mejico.

    I can tell by the spelling, you need some sleep :-)

    Take care, darling

    2014-03-14 | 17:53:05

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