
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

i have completely forgot to update the blog, sooo supposedly ive been doing alot and enjoying myself hehe..
i've worked as usual, and practice obviously.
ive also attended two graduationparties, 2 different girls from the team graduated high school so we've been celebrating them, have to say the food/desserts are the greatest at those kind of festivities omg......... cheatweek screaming all over lol. 
friday was the swedish nationalday tho so no work and we practiced in the morning, quite nice! the rest of the day i spent with Mike watching movies basically, very much relaxed and not swedeinfluenced at all haha, dont think i even saw a swedish flag haha not as committed as the americans or norweguien people... made a really nice dinner though, pasta, salmon, mozarella, avocado, maaiz etc really nice...
saturday my first awaygame where we actually rode the bus, to Falun. we watched pitch perfect on the way up there, haha honestly the funniest movie.... fat amy made the ride more fun. and even better, we won the game 1-0 so now we're officially alone at the top cuz the team that was above us before lost their game, unluckyy!!! so were number 1 in the conference atm wohooo! celebrated that with a drink and cake night (drove tho so no drinks w alcohol for me but the cake.... nailed that i can assure yaaa it was scrumptious!!! thank you hanna for that....
today its actually been sunny so I did tan for a bit, i feel truly pale right now to be honest... and finished the night best way possible watching Hammarby win 4-0 against Landskrona and is also in the top now great game and we got to see it from the vip section as well cuz my uncle gave us tickets.

have to say 2 more things,

1.what i really love and appreciate looots when it comes to sweden is the swedish summer , when you can walk without a jacket at night without being cold, best evvaahh

2.been so excited to move too but now that i realized how insanely much it is to pack...its literally everything... panic. tried to start this week but wasnt overly successful. have to take care of it this upcoming week tho cuz tomorrow we have access to the new house and saturday its OOON movingday boom goodbye 


  • Lena engberg säger:

    Hej raring, kul att det går bra för Dig å Täby!!
    Kul att se Hammarby, var Sven med eller?
    Har Du tid att hälsa på?
    När åker Du hem?

    Puss å kram från oss, speciellt Alice som längtar!!

    Svar: japp sven fixade biljetter :Dhar knappt om tid i juni pga fotboll men sen kommer väl ni i början av juli innan utlandsresan? sen kanske jag kan hitta tid senare i juli, åker tillbaka den sista juli!

    åh hälsa lille gossen. pussar och kramar
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-06-14 | 11:19:06

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