
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

the week went by fast as any other week! its insane how ive already played 10 games with täby. encountered my first loss with this team in the conference today, which was unfortunate, but it happens..... im so fucking proud over this team though and im so happy i chose to play for this team while im home :) sucks tho because we flew all the way to östersund for this game, to lose... and then to go all the way back -.- annoying. they had 6 americans on the team and i talked to one of them afterwards, always fun :D even tho i feel my english is the shittiest atm..... cant wait to catch up on that in the fall hehe. we officially have summerbreak now, which means no practices with the team, but still have to do workouts on our own. PLUS daily workouts from both dunny and holly..... killing me softly. gonna have to work hardhardhard. sucks to work too tho cuz either its hard to find time oooor energy ;p but itll be fine, have to be strong when i come back for pre season bcuzzzz its gonna be a nightmare with the heat and hard work lol. but honestly i cant wait either........ :DDDDDDDDD 
goooodnighty new week starting with work in the morning so bedtime! 


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