
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

helloo goofs. 
it was a red day thursday which meant we had a day off from work winning, i  literally spend the whole day on the couch watching movies backtoback, it was soo fricken nice it never happens (although the weather was good so felt a litl bad laying in all day lol). i have to say the best one was high school musical 3 ofcourse, never goes wrong with some singing and dancing.....
friday many people had off too but i worked, didnt mind tho cuz weather was shiteee. practice friday night in the wonderful rain as well. after practice i hit the gas pedal and drove to my cousins summerhouse. when  i got there my aunt gave me soo much food and loads of pie mmmmm, we relaxed all nite and played this hilarious board game called "with other words", if ya havent played it, DO IT and youll have a blast. 
saturday woke up early and went for a run in the woods with my uncle, ups and downs, sprints, slow jogging, always funner when youre 2. and a big theenks to him for always pushing me and making me better. later that day we went to this farmhouse to look at animals and stuff, cows, pigs, horses lol. and last nite i finally got to see my wonderful Tyresö teammates on a reunion at Barthels. we had a bbq, had a music quiz led by palmthepalm, cant go right.....and just hung out and watched loads of photots from previous events and our week in turkey last year, so many memories.... i realize how much i miss these great kids *sad face*
gameday against Ope(?) today. ugliest name buut ay who cares the name isnt everything maybe theyre the greatest. anyways were better and thats gonna bring us home the victory today! weathers great for soccer so cant complain about NOTHing- chock. hope youuguysis have had a great weekend and that youll end whats left of it and reload for a new fun week. hejjdååå
btw the feeling when you realize the plug to youre speakers is american and you cant load them.. ugh wtf


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