
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

i spent thursday-sunday in leksand at linns place with val who came all the way from america, jokki came from luleå, and w linn obviously!!, a great little reunion, and  linn had alot of friends from both leksand and linköping there as well. i dont know what else to say than GREAT WEEKEND. im so greatful to know these wonderful people. midsummer was greatgreatgreat :)) and hoffmaestro did a good performance at nite. the only bad thing has been the extremely cold weather i cant deal with how cold it is this time of the year. other than celebrating midsummer weve watched the worldcup, played kubb , worked out (felt so weird working out with these people somewhere else than west palm beach tho, but always as fun! i want to thank linn and her family for taking such good care of us up there, and a special thanks to her mom., now i know where she got her constantly happy mood from ,bcuz mom was the exact same haha :) 
and leksand sure was beautiful, defenitely wanna go back- which im sure i will cuz hopefully we'll make this midsummercelebration a tradition.
had a game tonight after a couple of days off, but that didnt stop us. feeeel like we just get better and stronger every game! we won the game 5-0 and secured our first place once again. one more game now before summer break, nothing can stop uzzz! forza täby tjalalal


  • Linnéa Lindmark säger:

    men jaaajaaajaaaa såklart detta ska bli tradition!!!! fan bästa helgen nånsin, TACK FÖR ATT DU TOG DIG ÄNDÅ UPP TILL DALARNA!:))))))

    Svar: åhhhja den var grymmaste :)) gillar att höra att de ska bli tradition! MEN TACK FÖR INBJUDAN!!!
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-06-26 | 23:09:10
    Bloggadress: http://linnealindmark.blogg.se/

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