
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

went on a 20 h cruise thursday-friday with some of my old teammates from tyresö, and some of the leaders as well, we had the best time and it was great seeing everyone again :)) and ihave to admit the swedish archipelago is among the most beautiful places you can visit/ just cruise thruuu :) one of the highlights was singing karaoke with adam, grease summer nights :) 
saturday sunday i decided to come with my mom and sister to my miniiii cousins and aunt. as ive told you before my little cousin is one of my favorite people and im glad to be her hero. i felt i had to see her one last time before i go back to us, wont see her for 10 months now. we had a great time going to the beach, playing soccer, eating cake and much more :) gonna miss that little girl like crazy. im gonna miss my aunt too who has been my role model since as long as i can remember. 
yeaa not working is the best of all....................... just love it. gonna keep enjoying this vacation, adiooss


  • Palmthepalm säger:

    AWWWESOME life girl!!!!

    2014-07-21 | 13:23:48
  • Palmthepalm säger:

    AWWWESOME life girl!!!!

    2014-07-21 | 13:23:53
  • Palmthepalm säger:

    AWWWESOME life girl!!!!

    2014-07-21 | 13:23:54
  • lena engberg säger:

    role model, det var inget dåligt betyg, men så har du ju blivit världens bästa oxå, he he... Alice grät otröstligt när du åkt.. å du ligger högst upp på listan, som vanligt...hare nice så länge..

    Lots of love från
    Fansen i Strängnäs

    Svar: men lilla vännen inge kul när hon gråter... men är så glad att jag kom över helgen för att få vara med henne/ er :)

    love youu
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-07-23 | 16:04:14
  • lena engberg säger:

    Vilka underbara kort!!!

    2014-07-24 | 17:42:04

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