
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

long week

Kategori: Allmänt

this week has been long, or it has felt long at least! 
ive done a lot of things such as working out with my friend from michigan, now settled in stockholm, great to work out wth her since she is used to training in the  florida heat which make her go tough on me. ive also watched all of the world cup games with different people and seeen my girls from high school, so nice to see them and every time i do its like it was yesterday even tho its been almost a year with some of them! 
and finallyyy i got a haircut this week yeayy :DD shorter.. still long, but it feels good. 
 yesterday i attended to this volleyball tournament that this one girl had created, we lost almost everything but it was fun and the weather was really good and loads of people so we had a good time.
tonight is the final in the world cup and im cheering for germany since my fav netherlands are out already..
also ive seen one of the new freshies thats coming to my school in the fall, she lives in stockholm so we met up and did a work out together actually! makes me even more excited for fall :D caant wait for fall i think about it every day and all of it just makes me smajjl. not gonna smile when im dying in practice and all drenched in sweat but ayy who cares itll bee fun
have to sayyyy im so satisfied with life :) 


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