
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

have workout out every day this week so i feel pretty exhausted, and proud still. but days off are always very much neeeded and beyond appreciated.
and friday.. got home from work and was pretty tired, but went out for a run with mickis, stopped at this soccerfield to run intervals, didnt want to do intervals with the keys in my hand obviously so threw them next to the  goal in the meantime, and after the sprints we were so tired and dehydrated ran just ran back home and when i was gonna unluck the door i looked at my hand and  it hit us both i didnt pick up the fuucking keys....... no one home either, yesss and no one had a phone! gotta love that daily luck ! anyway it got better cuz later i got to see my younger cousins and fav aunt, was gonna drive them to the airport at nite.
alice, the youngest one on 8 years, i love this little kid so much its insane. im her role model apparantly and shes  my tail whenever theyre here  and its just great to feel that appreciated by someone that little and innocent.. wish them a great week in tunisia and that my aunt was fine flying after 20 years of flyyying anxiety.
saturday i went with my mom on a little roadtrip to see my sister do her last horse riding show, now she has officially ended that career, for now at least! it looks like fun but i know i would suck so bad.....
at nite i finallyyyy got to see my favorite people from my absolute first team, spånga, will always have that extra love for them of course and it was fantastic seeeing them again after this long we had dinner and watched holland- costa rica.
and yes, sunday mornings are always extra appreciated when you start work early in the morning.... chose not to  join the girls downtown just cuz of that reason. work was fine tho and obviously i feel perfectly fine today tho  hehe which is always nice. fu hangovers lol. tonight im walking over to my dads for sunday dinner hehehhe palt yamm. seeyaa


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