
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

flying by

Kategori: Allmänt

the days are flying by as always.. both monday and tuesday ive seen people ive missed soo much so it was great seing them. its been one taco night/ worldcup and one jacuzzi night/ worldcup :) 
today ive had a very relaxing day watching three good movies, paycheck, catch me if you can och snitch. i had a dentist appointment though.. not very relaxing. i went there yesterday and realized when i was gonna go inside my time was today -.---- so mad. anyway, it went fine!
ive also worked out every day, dont know what i feel about this working out on your own, ugh.. woulda been so much funner to do these summer workouts with the team, or at least someone else.  LONEER. 
the rest of the week's gonna consist of pretty much the same ive told you about already, work, training, fränds and worldcup :D btwww saturday we're gonna have a little reunion with the very first team i played for, spånga, cant wait to see those girls again and go out n danceeee.
and yes i miss soccer already after three days of break buuu. im happy tho bcuz by the looks of it better weather is on its way :) 


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