
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

bolt from malmö (friend from us) made a quick stop in stockholm this friday on her way up to norrland sooo i got the chance to see her and have picknick with her family :) really nice. 
i have to say im so happy ive managed to see this many people i go to school n play soccer with  in americaa but here in sweden. linn, jokki, fanny, val, bolt and also the new freshielito emma- so greatful!!  admit im glad we're this many swedes on the team....!! 

now im about to pass out after a trainingcamp that lasted all weekend, 4 sessions in total after 3 weeks away from soccer so body feeling quite tired now even tho ive been working out alot by myself during this time lol. anyway it was a great weekend with this fucking great team :) hate to leave you guys so soon, but at least i get to play one last game with you tuesday night against tierp before i let youuu girls finish the season the best possible way without me! gonna miss you like crazy but cant deny im overly excited to go back to wpb in 4 fuuuuuin days :DDdd


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