
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt


gör middag åt mamma o vilma hehe

vinst i sista matchen 

miss florida nowww

getting sentimental

Kategori: Allmänt


söndagsmiddag familyyy

last practice yesterday 


Kategori: Allmänt

bolt from malmö (friend from us) made a quick stop in stockholm this friday on her way up to norrland sooo i got the chance to see her and have picknick with her family :) really nice. 
i have to say im so happy ive managed to see this many people i go to school n play soccer with  in americaa but here in sweden. linn, jokki, fanny, val, bolt and also the new freshielito emma- so greatful!!  admit im glad we're this many swedes on the team....!! 

now im about to pass out after a trainingcamp that lasted all weekend, 4 sessions in total after 3 weeks away from soccer so body feeling quite tired now even tho ive been working out alot by myself during this time lol. anyway it was a great weekend with this fucking great team :) hate to leave you guys so soon, but at least i get to play one last game with you tuesday night against tierp before i let youuu girls finish the season the best possible way without me! gonna miss you like crazy but cant deny im overly excited to go back to wpb in 4 fuuuuuin days :DDdd

hornsbergs strand

Kategori: Allmänt

beest couple

love this life

Kategori: Allmänt

had another amazing day starting early this morning with holly workout, me and emma managed to bring 2 friends to do the workout, they liked it and its always nicer to do it when youre not alone ofcourse :D hot as balls tho....good before florida.  the day continued w late breakfast on palms lovely balcony and then beach from 1-9, the whole day. the weather has been absolutely fantastic and the water feeels so good. we stayed for dinner as well, some bbqued and some ate other stuff. love this life. or i dont like getting caught not swiping my buscard and have to walk off and wait 20 min on the next train when im already late..luckily no fine so cant complain IGUESSSS. 

countdown usa 8 days!!

love it

Kategori: Allmänt

lovely stockholm

Kategori: Allmänt

have had an amazing night with bbq, soccer, and great friends followed by an amazing day on beckas boat in the middle of stockholm, i really love this city its astonishing... summer time is a great time in sweden, sucks its only this nice for like 2 months tho and the rest of the year is shite, otherwise it woulda beeeeen more considerate on living here on a permanent basis. tomorrow its workout in the morning with emma again and then go swiimming again :D hopefully play some tennis too wie


Kategori: Allmänt

youre so cute 

love you

Kategori: Allmänt

cousin time 



Kategori: Allmänt

workout with this new northwood gallll



Kategori: Allmänt

went on a 20 h cruise thursday-friday with some of my old teammates from tyresö, and some of the leaders as well, we had the best time and it was great seeing everyone again :)) and ihave to admit the swedish archipelago is among the most beautiful places you can visit/ just cruise thruuu :) one of the highlights was singing karaoke with adam, grease summer nights :) 
saturday sunday i decided to come with my mom and sister to my miniiii cousins and aunt. as ive told you before my little cousin is one of my favorite people and im glad to be her hero. i felt i had to see her one last time before i go back to us, wont see her for 10 months now. we had a great time going to the beach, playing soccer, eating cake and much more :) gonna miss that little girl like crazy. im gonna miss my aunt too who has been my role model since as long as i can remember. 
yeaa not working is the best of all....................... just love it. gonna keep enjoying this vacation, adiooss


Kategori: Allmänt

snygga syrran

amazing view



sjukt smart!! 

lion king 


träning i hammarbybacken med ny freshie 

lazyyy fat sunday 

long week

Kategori: Allmänt

this week has been long, or it has felt long at least! 
ive done a lot of things such as working out with my friend from michigan, now settled in stockholm, great to work out wth her since she is used to training in the  florida heat which make her go tough on me. ive also watched all of the world cup games with different people and seeen my girls from high school, so nice to see them and every time i do its like it was yesterday even tho its been almost a year with some of them! 
and finallyyy i got a haircut this week yeayy :DD shorter.. still long, but it feels good. 
 yesterday i attended to this volleyball tournament that this one girl had created, we lost almost everything but it was fun and the weather was really good and loads of people so we had a good time.
tonight is the final in the world cup and im cheering for germany since my fav netherlands are out already..
also ive seen one of the new freshies thats coming to my school in the fall, she lives in stockholm so we met up and did a work out together actually! makes me even more excited for fall :D caant wait for fall i think about it every day and all of it just makes me smajjl. not gonna smile when im dying in practice and all drenched in sweat but ayy who cares itll bee fun
have to sayyyy im so satisfied with life :) 


Kategori: Allmänt

have workout out every day this week so i feel pretty exhausted, and proud still. but days off are always very much neeeded and beyond appreciated.
and friday.. got home from work and was pretty tired, but went out for a run with mickis, stopped at this soccerfield to run intervals, didnt want to do intervals with the keys in my hand obviously so threw them next to the  goal in the meantime, and after the sprints we were so tired and dehydrated ran just ran back home and when i was gonna unluck the door i looked at my hand and  it hit us both i didnt pick up the fuucking keys....... no one home either, yesss and no one had a phone! gotta love that daily luck ! anyway it got better cuz later i got to see my younger cousins and fav aunt, was gonna drive them to the airport at nite.
alice, the youngest one on 8 years, i love this little kid so much its insane. im her role model apparantly and shes  my tail whenever theyre here  and its just great to feel that appreciated by someone that little and innocent.. wish them a great week in tunisia and that my aunt was fine flying after 20 years of flyyying anxiety.
saturday i went with my mom on a little roadtrip to see my sister do her last horse riding show, now she has officially ended that career, for now at least! it looks like fun but i know i would suck so bad.....
at nite i finallyyyy got to see my favorite people from my absolute first team, spånga, will always have that extra love for them of course and it was fantastic seeeing them again after this long we had dinner and watched holland- costa rica.
and yes, sunday mornings are always extra appreciated when you start work early in the morning.... chose not to  join the girls downtown just cuz of that reason. work was fine tho and obviously i feel perfectly fine today tho  hehe which is always nice. fu hangovers lol. tonight im walking over to my dads for sunday dinner hehehhe palt yamm. seeyaa


Kategori: Allmänt

lägenhet såld fira litee

glädjen efter träning 

taconight with the best couplee

socialt :) 


den här lirarn träffa vi på på östersunds flygplats, han va väldigt skum faktiskt 

bra jobbat o fälla trädet på kabeln så allt pajar

kingen hälsar 

flying by

Kategori: Allmänt

the days are flying by as always.. both monday and tuesday ive seen people ive missed soo much so it was great seing them. its been one taco night/ worldcup and one jacuzzi night/ worldcup :) 
today ive had a very relaxing day watching three good movies, paycheck, catch me if you can och snitch. i had a dentist appointment though.. not very relaxing. i went there yesterday and realized when i was gonna go inside my time was today -.---- so mad. anyway, it went fine!
ive also worked out every day, dont know what i feel about this working out on your own, ugh.. woulda been so much funner to do these summer workouts with the team, or at least someone else.  LONEER. 
the rest of the week's gonna consist of pretty much the same ive told you about already, work, training, fränds and worldcup :D btwww saturday we're gonna have a little reunion with the very first team i played for, spånga, cant wait to see those girls again and go out n danceeee.
and yes i miss soccer already after three days of break buuu. im happy tho bcuz by the looks of it better weather is on its way :)