
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

just my luck

Kategori: Allmänt

FINALLY HERE-gna tell you about my somewhat lucky somewhat unlucky trip......
thhe flight was good it took 10 h tho, so long.. but I had an empty seat between me and this other lady and we somewhat got to know each other as well which was nice.  We were gonna land at 8 and take last tri rail was leaving 10.18 and we landed even earlier but then they didnt let us off the plane cuz they didnt have enough wokring ppl in the airport and i was like shit im not gonna make it to the train, paaanic.. but then this lady from the airplane was like but go ahead.. (in the line to this blueformthing) and she was like helping me getting further ahead even tho i felt so rude going ahead, anyway i got in the front but it took forever anyway cuz there was 10000 mexican ppl who was before us and i was waiting and i looked at the time it was 9.30 and i still had so long left in the line and didnt have my bags or anything, i freaked and then i asked this lady how far away the train station was and said i was gonna miss the last one and omggg she was SO awesome she took me first in line like we're doing an exception for u and then she followed me to get my bags and all the way to the cabs and stuff, THERE ARE kind ppl in the world for sure fucking forever greatful lol.. then i got to where the cabs went from and there were noo cabs but then 1 came and these 2 australian gurls had been waiting for forever for one and they let me go withem in their cab and it was 10 oclock now i was freaking out and then they dropped me off first (so nice tooo) and i got to the trainstation at 10.15 cuz i asked him to drive fast and i payed him, thanked the girls soo much, got off and was gna buy a ticket and this gurl helped me with it cuz she saw i was so lost and confused lol but yeah we bought the ticket and the sec after i got it, the train came to the station i was like o m g..... and wen i got to wpb it was POURING but i got a cab ahold of one and got to campus around midnight.. i was soaked and i was out for like 15 sec.. and when igot here i had to wake elin up cuz didnt have a key haha felt litl bad buuut whatever!!
Feels awesome to finally be here, but I feel so jetlagged I dunno why cuz 6 h isnt that much of a difference but me and elin went to bed at 8.30 yesterday and we have been waking up 7 every day, now its not even 8 and im so ready to hit bed, tired or what... 
ppl are starting to get back and tomorrow so many are gona show up as well, soo excited :D miss them by now!! 
time to watch a movie then gooodnighty 
my first post in english btw as you all noticed lol, hmm doubt im gna keep this up but we'll seeee.. tjenixen 


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