
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

btw forgot to mention that it was thanksgiving right before we left for nationals. it was such a great day we invited alot of people over from the team plus the ones living there already obviously. we did a major cleaning in the morning (NEEDED) and then we cooked together all day, brooksi and her boyfriend were there so they helped with all the american foodthingis, it was really nice experiencing a typical american one actually, and the food was amazinggg :D high on sugar or days tho... 
we also made an attempt to fish in the pond outside of us, unsuccessful.. but it was nice! the weather was amazing. we also played boardgames, card games, charades etc. we had dinner, LOADS of desert, and then around 9 we went to the outlets (black friday) started at midnight really but a few stores started it earlier, it's like the biggest shoppingday in america with crazy sales, so I bought a whole lot of stuff :)
biggest failure tho around 12 when we went back home to drink coffee and eat some more and pick linn up to go to this other mall where urban outfitters is and it was fucking closeeeee..... and we went in to the actual mall as well but only macys was open bleehh haha we went in for like 10 min but then went back home so were home at like2 am, then when we woke up the morning after we made the same trip back to the mall for more shopping (more successful) 
tried valet parking for the first time also hehe
safe flight mom and sistahh <3 


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