
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

we're in alabama right now we got here saturday morning since we travelled during the night, which was actually quite ncie considering you sleep most of the time..... :) the weather is actually great, a little bit chilly at night (as expected) but really sunny during the day :) its incredible living on the beach again this year and hotel breakfast every morning, paid food, getting to play soccer, hang out with great people, no school.... what can i say great week :D
we had the first game yesterdayyyyy and we won against ranked #2 william carrey and we fucking beat their asss!!!! so dont rank us #15 next time when we fucking kill #2.. moved on to quarterfinals today and we played team ranked #10 and once again- VICTORY!!!!!!! moving on to semifinals :DD day off tomorroow though which is gonna be nice.. regain some energy, and time for another banquet, and hopefully some tanning if the weather allows us to! 
ive been in the ocean a few times its freazing...... goood thing they have  a hot tub here as well.
whats crrazy is that my mom and sister is coming to america tomorrow!!!!!! shit been waiting so long :D unllucky i wont be in florida when they arrive tho... but i rather win nationals actually so they can wait a few days  heheh. love you cant wait to see you!!!!!!


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