
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

was a bit of a team day yesterday, most of us! started w practice 7, best thing is that youre done by 8.30 already and can do other stuff :) we chose to go to the beach, this place that linn and jokki found last semester, a private beach. it was so fricken beautiful im in love. and we were completely alone too,. evrryone was able to tan topless soooo now its time to get rid of those uglyass white boobtanlines!! after the beach we all went downtown to kabuki, good lunch deal so had both sushi and then pad thai to bring home to eat for dinner.
my house started watching paradise hotel yesterday as well, can't deal with that show theyre so stupid!!!!! have to quote a tweet from linns twitter this girl saying "alla som kommer in i paradise hotel säger att dom ska röra om i grytan så vet dom inte ens hur en spis funkar", ganska roligt... säkert sant också. 
Idag är det match mot Lynn kl 7 pm. Är den enda vaken just nu så ligger och myser i soffan, bloggar, lyssnar musik etc. Ska koka kaffe nu och gosa ner mig igen, ÄLSKA morgonstund. puss på er lol just realized i wrote the last bit in swedish but too lazy to change now. BYEE


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