
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

we lost against embry last nite, our biggest rivals so a loss is never fun. however, it was the first game that counts in the rankingsystem, and last year we lost our first game against concordia and then won every game until semifinals in Nationals, which is a bit of a relief. im not worried we got this we just need to get to know each other a little bit more, on the field but also outside, and we'll be more than fine :) great team, great girls, great energy. 
today i fell in love again. we went to buy a surfboard and went to the beach in the afternoon to try it out. we went to the private beach we've gone too lately and there has been no waves whatsoever but today it was actually good waves, or decent waves for B E G I N N E R S, definitely what i am lol ive never touched a surfboard before... so, today i finally tried it and this guy helped us, gave us some advice and told us what waves to go for etc. i managed to catch one way and went with it all the way into the shore and i got such a rush, i didnt even bother to try to stand up on the board cuz it was soooo much fun and it went so fast :D now i truly understand why people love surfing... it wass such an euphoric feeling and moment in general. however i didnt succeed on catching any other waves tho buuut as i said, first time hehe. now that we have a board tho im totally gonna practice so ill get better, this guy even told us he has boards for us that we can use etc so hopefully ill get better soon! if we gonna have any time to go to the beach that is, BCCCCC SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROWW...... can't believe i've been here for 25 days already, dunno if im ready for it... have to say its gonna be fun. seing everyone is whats gonna top it ofcouurse, but its always nice to get into habits as well. so goodluck to me and everyone else yes please and thank you. VERY MUCH NEEDED. goood luck to you muppet swedes that starts school back home now as well Zzzz 


  • Pappa säger:

    Jag vill åxå surfa !

    2014-08-25 | 15:26:42

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