
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

finally in mississippi after  about 12 hours of travel. now that you think back of it i guess it went by pretty fast, watching movies, playing card, zzzleeping, alot of peeeeeeing, and stopping for dinner :) tasted the beest oreomilkshake! and for dinner i had an amazing burger, prolly the greeciest ive had in a long time but it was on point.... 
looking forward to hotel breakfast in the morning hehe. our game is at 5 tomorrow night and we're playing william carrey, actually one of the schools i talked to before deciding that i finally wanted to come to northwood. 
saturday we start to go down to florida again but we stop in alabama to play another game against mobile, which means 3 nights at different hotels. our first official away trip with the team, very much interesting and very much excited, letss kick ass gals
nightyy friends 


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