
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

first day

Kategori: Allmänt

first day in school finished, 3 classses back to back felt a little harsh but i realized that it was quite an easy start since i  dont have school for the rest of the week haha yeayy!! dont have classes tuesdays and thursdays and wednesday we have a game so no school yeay. plus we leave  thursday morning for a whole weekend in Alabama with games friday and saturday :) gonna be so much fun to go on  this first away game with the team staying at a hotel etc. and highlight all the good fooood we'll get heheh loveitloveit. 
congratz to linn who passed her driverlicense today!! crazy how easy it is compared to back home... 
have a good rest of the week schoolpeople goooodnight 


  • Linnéa Lindmark säger:

    tack kompis!!! kör dig vart du vill :D

    Svar: grymmaste kompis!! :D
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-08-28 | 02:20:16
    Bloggadress: http://linnealindmark.blogg.se/

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