
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

2 things
lol it was funny cuz stinne came home from work tonught and she was like "you couldnt agree on something to watch?" we were like huh? haha cuz apparantly then i was sitting in the couch with my own computerwith  headphones in, hero next to me with her computer and headphones in, and fil next to her watching netflix on the tv out loud and then jo and linn in the couch next to us with headphones connected to linns computer it looked kinda funny i geess.. that great at socializing!
and today i was coming back to our apartment after the game and i had taken the car back cuz hero was gona do other stuff at school first and asked me to drive it back and when i came back i realize i have no keys im like shiiiit and none of my fu 4 roomies are home so i walk over to hanna and them instead after a while just standing and NONE of them is home either im like fuuck!! and i had been to publix so i had groceries as well.. went back to the car and started going towards school again to get someones keys when hero says her key is on the car key ring im like omg im sooo estupiiid... 
it all started today, winning  our first game :DD won 5-2 i scored 2 but missed a pk. scarred urghh... i always go for the same corner and i always make it... lol naiv much? FUCK DIDNT WORK THIS TIME  p is s sed. hopefully i'll get another chance next time..... NIGHTY 


  • Pappa säger:

    Grattis till segern och målen, skönt med
    vinst i första matchen !

    Svar: JA TACK :D
    Johanna Engberg

    2014-08-16 | 12:36:30

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