
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

like i said before I wouldn't, i havent posted that much on the blog except for pictures, plenty ofem, so hopefully that gives a bit of a feeling of what our carefree life is like here. 
anyways the games that counts for ranking ans records and all thay have started for real and we're now 1-0 and will hopefully keep that up and be 23(?)-0 by the end of the season, with other words undefeated. atleast we can dream right, it's ehat we aim for and what we're going to work so hard for to achieve. today we have a game against William Carrey, basically the most important game of the season!!! we beat them first round of Nationals last year so they're definitely here for revenge. and Tomorrow we play Mobile, another good ranked team, will be a tough challenge but so fun.
In August we've mostly been "chilling" if you see past preseason but yeah soccer is basically the only thing that have occupied our schedules, and work and other less important stuff :)))) but no school. however it all starts monday.... even though we just got alerts saying it might get cancelled because there is a storm Erika on its way and might come sunday, schhary.. 
Another good thing about August has been the free food in caf hehe will feel weird having to buy/cook my own food now, its been so convenient having everything cooked and served for you. But im not gonna lie will be so nice to get into a bit of a healthier routine making lunch boxes and all that goofy shit, and cooking can be fun. 
Hopefully we'll survive the storm even though it literally sounds like the sky is about to fall down. Hope everyone at home is doing finee and enjoys the last bit of summer, since you dont have summer all year around, hehhe. xxxx


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found my car keys heheh

emma got a watch!! 

abit black


always a blast

when emma sets alarm early and i dont have to be up early 

gamedayy (we won 3-0 booom) 


en av barnen jag coachar haha 

cool kids staying up til midnight 


catching up with this goof

free food in caf 1 more week 

catching up

Kategori: Allmänt

1a utekvällen- roooomis #222

kittens hiding behind school


our apartment 

love her 

miss mommyy 

favorit frulle 


mera vardag

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fortfarande söta vänner

longboard o sparkcykel till skolan

every day 

pooling with roomie 

vår vardag

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ice bath 

singer island 

fixa fixa i rummet 

loook at us 

också gratis mat i caf värt 

pre season

Kategori: Allmänt

I've already been in west palm for 15 days and alot has happened. We have gotten so much stuff for our new apartment and now it actually looks really good. also me and emma are starting to get our room in order, some stuff has happened that has caused a bit of a delay (like emma not being able to put her drawer together despite IKEAs easy instructions) today we finally threw it away after over a week of just being in the way in the livingroom. it aint easy when its hard. ive also bought a car :DD so happy. means i can drive back and forth to schoolpracticegrocery store wherever WHENEVER without having to rely on others, feels great period
monday 3rd we officistarted pre season and its been an intense weak with practice 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, we have been sore for sure and we've also been eating like men every meal But today we had a day off and we all went to the beach. cant express with words how happy i am to be back at this wonderful place. i just love everything about it. tomorrow we go 2 sessions again and then we're starting with 1 a dayand wednesday we have our first exibition game :D wow im so excited for this soccer fall too. like ive said a trillion times before... but seriously though I am. and the girls that has come this year are just amazing, off the field as on the field and after every day that pass i just like everyone more and more :) it's 9:35 pm which means bed time for us but ill probably post more after our game wednesday. pictures are coming xoxooxo. 


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lite laghäng

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pre season

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ugly ass picture but missing my hannah 

halfway through love these movies 



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eating for 3 men 


late night snack 

my cute friends 


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Team gathering 

haha min bästa roomi inte helt vän med ikeas instruktioner 

rooomicooking #2. sweetpotato carrot soup and kidney/beats balls

Ladda pre season imorn 


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Kategori: Allmänt


Kategori: Allmänt

coaching kids

back in caf!! free food for a month heheheh


vad gör hon haha

bygga bygga handy much

first days

Kategori: Allmänt

flying is fun

godaaste biffarna.... 

morning workouts 

Lets do thiis :))))

new year new opportunities,hehehe…

Kategori: Allmänt

I've been really bad updating lately. past 3 months. uhm my entire time in sweden so to say, at least picture wise.. However I've posted a few albums on facebook so guys you havent missed out Promise yaa. Anywayys, new start, new year, new attempt to get better at blogging again, for the ones who's interested and have missed it. :) Atleast I'll post more pictures, i dont know about youu but its boring to read and a whole lot funner to scroll through pictures even if they're ugly prettty annoying cool dazzling whatever! 
Fyi it feels SO fricken great to be back tho. me and linn are on clouds right now just loving everything. couldnt be happier and i couldnt be more excited for this year. my 3rd year of college. wow. time flies. BRING IT ON Keiser (?) 


Kategori: Allmänt

Friends, one of the greatest things in life. It's never too late to find best friends so to say, or just friends that you know you will stay with forever. And every time I meet new people I think to myself why I haven't met these people earlier (?) then again, better late than never, and we also still have a long long life ahead of us so time is not something we're short on. Once again, through soccer I meet the most people and idk why I manage to get along so well with them, maybe because of the one thing that brings us together and lets us get along so well is our true passion for our sport? I don't think that's the only reason, but it might have something to do with it. This week I've met people for the first time in my life, from different countries such as Iceland, Sweden, and America, and it's like I've known them my whole life, and we've been doing different things each day and I have to say I'm just a big fan of life. I don't really want to claim that the behaviour of "inviting" people you've never met before to hang out and tag along on random adventures, and maybe that's what has happened because the majority of us in this case is actually internationals. I love people that are open to meet new people and that are so easy to get along with, and after 3 days it felt like a friendship of a lifetime pretty much. However, this is the shitty part about not being settled down in one place, but the fact that I live in two complete different parts of the world; West Palm Beach, Florida, and Stockholm, Sweden. It's always hard to leave people that you've become really close to when you know you won't come home for a year, two years, who knows. Anyways, I just want to thank the people that makes my life such a great life on earth, and I really do enjoy every single day of my life, and for the people that goes around having "söndagsångest", or waiting for Friday and the weekend to begin, common don't do that..learn to enjoy every single day instead. Stop for a second, and suck it all in.
A special thank you goes to my role model Jackie Bachteler who does everything for me, who literally sees the best in everyone and who I also would do anything for. You're the best training coach/mate, you teach me new stuff every day, you're taking me to meet all these new great people, you're unexpected adventures and fluent swedish gives me endless laughs, and ultimately you also give me great life opportunities within soccer, as well as outside of soccer that I will forever benefit from,
One day. Coaching. Camps. America. Sweden. Australia. Spain. Costa Rica. Passion. Hard Work. Happiness. Together. One day. 

my one true love.

Kategori: Allmänt

It's truly amazing how a sport can become such a passion. I can't really speak for sports like for example golf, or tennis where you're playing by yourself, but in my case this well-known team sport, soccer.

What's so special about a team sport is that you experience everything with your team, you win together, you lose together, and you share that joy as well as bitterness, among all of you. Either way you're never in it alone, but can instead find comfort between each other, even though you sometimes just want to deal with it alone.

I've played soccer since I was 7 years old and it has been, and still is a huge part of my life and has taken up a huge amount of time. Endless of times I've turned down stuff such as traveling places, hanging out with friends, graduation parties, simple dinner gatherings, nights out, simply because of soccer, either practices or games. I've always gotten complaints and have had to face disappointed friends that always responded with the same answers "you never join us because of soccer", "can't you just skip that one game or practice to come with us", and sure I guess I could have, but I chose myself to always pick soccer first, in whatever content. When you reach a somewhat higher level it doesn't work like that, you can't just skip games, or even practices just because your friends or family have other plans they want you to attend, and that is something they have to accept, even though they can’t fully understand themselves why I’ve made the decision I’ve made every time. If you're committed to what you're doing, it's not even a hard decision to make, but rather something that comes naturally, without any hesitation what so ever. Of course I’ve thought a few times that I’ve “missed out” on a lot of stuff, but on the other hand, I've gotten to experience endless of memories through soccer, that I will never ever forget, and neither will I ever regret making the decisions I've taken.

I am forever grateful for have gotten the opportunity to play with every player I've every played with, as well as team I've played for, and I’ve have met so incredibly many people through soccer throughout my life, that I still have great contact and will stay friends with forever.

However, one of the greatest, if not the greatest of them all, was the decision I took when I chose to go to not only travel across the world, but to move, to go to school in America, West Palm Beach to be more exact, and play for a college team, and experience a life I've only seen in movies before. The feeling of being a part of a college team and represent your school is unbelievable and I wish more people would get to experience it in some way.

Luckily, my soccer college career started off pretty well and just went from there, and before I knew it I started getting rewards and awards for performing well, I beat the school record in amount of goals scored in a season, I won player of the year in our conference, I got 1st team All American and was invited to go to Philadelphia to listen to a very inspiring speech given by Alex Ferguson at this soccer convention together with players all over America that had gotten these awards as well.

2 years in a row we've made it to Nationals for NAIA, but we've lost in the semi final, freshman year on penalty kicks, and sophomore year on overtime. I'm beyond proud over the team for making it that far, but of course it's upsetting to get that close but not making it all the way, which is why I'm so insanely hyped/excited/pumped, and ready for a victory this year. I have a great feeling about this upcoming fall, and with the new players coming in I believe we'll be the best we've ever been. Many people would consider Florida an awful place to play soccer at during summer/fall because of the unreal humidity and heat, but that will not stop us though. We know that pre season will be a death sentence, but I couldn’t be more excited to experience it with these girls. We will work hard for each other and push each other to the fullest and “suffer” together, but at the same time, we will enjoy every single day because of what we're doing, where we're at, and lastly because of where we're heading- winners of Nationals 2015. This is our year girls. It starts now already and it's time to work our asses off, because at the end of the day, we all want to achieve the same goal, so let's put the hard work in and make it all count.

decisions that matters

Kategori: Allmänt

before I decided to go to West Palm Beach for college I was actually very hesitant due to how many swedes that was going to be on my team, and in the whole school in general, I wanted go go to the US to speak ENGLISH, and to meet people that were from other continents, other countries. Afterwards, I couldn't be happier with my decision. Already after a short while I realized what a huge comfort it was to be able to speak my own language on a regular basis, and how great it is to have people with the same background, you have the same views and opinions about alot of stuff. This is not about all the Americans/English/French etc etc. that I hang out with because there is literally NOTHING wrong with them dont get me wrong, and the extent I love hanging out with them, because I do, I love it, I just wanted to say that it's actually not a bad thing going to a school "invaded" by swedes and I believe this is a reason why I have no "I miss Sweden- thoughts" at all, bc that would really suck wishing and praying for the time to fly by faster so you would be home quicker, no..for me it's the opposite, I want to stay…. Well, got sidetracked there, but anyways what I wanted to elaborate on is the fact that when I come home, during summer, or even after my college career, how great it is to be able to hang out with these people on swedish land. I have a feeling that the swedes that goes to school with Americans merely wouldn't have it as easy to meet after college as if you were to go to school with people from your own contry, but on American ground. I recently went down (with an American who came to visit) about 4 hours to spend Midsummer with swedes that we've met through college, and last year we did the exact same except for that we drove 3 hours north instead. Along with us 2, other sweddes from school came to visit and celebrate/hang out with us and two years in a row now Ive had such a great time. I want to consider myself very lucky who have the opportunity to meet you guys over summer before we return to our great 2nd home: West Palm Beach, FL.. and I wish, hope, and know that this is a tradition that we will keep up years after this.
I also truly believe that being that surrounded by sxxxx

back in sweden

Kategori: Allmänt

havent written any since i got back home but it feels great being back. i really miss the florida sun tho, however, i will get more than enough of the heat when i come back to florida so i can take some chillyness right now. love spending time with family and friends, and playing soccer ofcourse, so far only victories since i got back, which is great and hopefully we'll keep that up. June just started, crazycrazy how time flies. ive almost been home for a month and going back in less than two months. i have a lot more to do before then thoo :))