
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

the week went by fast as any other week! its insane how ive already played 10 games with täby. encountered my first loss with this team in the conference today, which was unfortunate, but it happens..... im so fucking proud over this team though and im so happy i chose to play for this team while im home :) sucks tho because we flew all the way to östersund for this game, to lose... and then to go all the way back -.- annoying. they had 6 americans on the team and i talked to one of them afterwards, always fun :D even tho i feel my english is the shittiest atm..... cant wait to catch up on that in the fall hehe. we officially have summerbreak now, which means no practices with the team, but still have to do workouts on our own. PLUS daily workouts from both dunny and holly..... killing me softly. gonna have to work hardhardhard. sucks to work too tho cuz either its hard to find time oooor energy ;p but itll be fine, have to be strong when i come back for pre season bcuzzzz its gonna be a nightmare with the heat and hard work lol. but honestly i cant wait either........ :DDDDDDDDD 
goooodnighty new week starting with work in the morning so bedtime! 

mera midsommar

Kategori: Allmänt

mera midsommar


Kategori: Allmänt

massa midsommar


Kategori: Allmänt

i spent thursday-sunday in leksand at linns place with val who came all the way from america, jokki came from luleå, and w linn obviously!!, a great little reunion, and  linn had alot of friends from both leksand and linköping there as well. i dont know what else to say than GREAT WEEKEND. im so greatful to know these wonderful people. midsummer was greatgreatgreat :)) and hoffmaestro did a good performance at nite. the only bad thing has been the extremely cold weather i cant deal with how cold it is this time of the year. other than celebrating midsummer weve watched the worldcup, played kubb , worked out (felt so weird working out with these people somewhere else than west palm beach tho, but always as fun! i want to thank linn and her family for taking such good care of us up there, and a special thanks to her mom., now i know where she got her constantly happy mood from ,bcuz mom was the exact same haha :) 
and leksand sure was beautiful, defenitely wanna go back- which im sure i will cuz hopefully we'll make this midsummercelebration a tradition.
had a game tonight after a couple of days off, but that didnt stop us. feeeel like we just get better and stronger every game! we won the game 5-0 and secured our first place once again. one more game now before summer break, nothing can stop uzzz! forza täby tjalalal


Kategori: Allmänt

this week at work was short, only monday-wednesday, lovely! which means i have a mini vacation right now, feeeels awesome :D reason for this is midsummer! a fun swedish holiday that involves loads of good food  yammm, drinks, company, singing and dancing!. im gonna spend my midsummer in leksand where linn (a girl from school in us) lives, also jokki is coming down from luleåå AND valentina is coming all the way from america, so we'll have a little reunion :DD along with many other friends of linn as well. its gonna be great and im so excited, im about to go to the airport now to pick her up and then we have a roadtrip ahead of us, jamming drake and just catch uppp. and i apologize to val already cuz have a feeeling my english is gna be a bit rosty. on the other hand val wants to be taught swedish this week so any english might not even be necessary, heheheh..
IT BETTER NOT BE RAINING TOMORROW....please suecia can it be good weather for once, id do anyyyything. 
anyhow ill stay at linns place til sunday and then me and jokki is going back to stockholm (i have practice lame, and she has a plane to catch back to the north)
ive been told to stay calm tomorrow night tho bcuuzzz we have a game monday.... just how to wait and seee how my will power will behave i guess. 
guys, ill tell you more about my weekend sunday probably :DD ciaoo
and yes mom and dad i'll drive safesafesafe. its raining and the traffic is brutal, weekend with most accidents all year and NOoooo im not gonna be one offemm. love ya 


Kategori: Allmänt

jobb på 1D


kaoshem nu


snälla ord från putte 

weeks flying

Kategori: Allmänt

the week is always flying by, consisting of mostly work, soccer and friends.
friday was a long day, first working on my reguar job from 9-3 and then we were going to work with the team at one directions concert selling ear plugs starting 4. i could have stayed to watch them perform but it was soo fricken cold and i was hungry as fuck shock lol so i went home instead. hate on all the annoying crazy girls screaming as its no tomorrow and crying just entering the fucking arena like common theyre not even here yet idiots, get so annoyed tbh.
saturday started early as well with another away game and this time to Borlänge against Gustavs. we started off good scoring in the first minute basically but then they scored 1-1 and even 2-1 and had the pressure big time. stressing....but together we managed to take control over the game, tied to 2-2 and now we had the pressure and in the 87 we scored 3-2 and won the game such an important victory and once again I'm surprised how happy this game can make you.. after many games without scoring i finally managed to score 2nd and 3rd this time. after the game we got together some girls on the team, ate pizza, drank some and played "with other words" and watched some world cu. todayy i finally got to seee my dads (mine hehe) new house, my dad and stephmom have been moving stuff constantly for two days now but i havent beenhome (unlucky) so i just show up now when its all done hehe, im excited to move in tho !! other than that ive seen my bestfriend who has been in germany since christmas, always a pleasuree :)) and also spent some time with my sister ,jeeez shes growing so fast!! we went shopping, i lovee the sales going on right now hehe. also we watched JallaJalla, such a good movie haha just love it..
im watching orange is the new black every time i get the chance to and now i only have 4 episodes left of this second season, me like. wonder what im gonna do after work when ive finished this. start reading or something more intellectual maybe, ooooooor. gonna keep watching now bye :DDD


Kategori: Allmänt

studentmottagningar muums 

drink o tårtkväll

bajen tjulululu

inomhusjobb succe... 



Kategori: Allmänt

i have completely forgot to update the blog, sooo supposedly ive been doing alot and enjoying myself hehe..
i've worked as usual, and practice obviously.
ive also attended two graduationparties, 2 different girls from the team graduated high school so we've been celebrating them, have to say the food/desserts are the greatest at those kind of festivities omg......... cheatweek screaming all over lol. 
friday was the swedish nationalday tho so no work and we practiced in the morning, quite nice! the rest of the day i spent with Mike watching movies basically, very much relaxed and not swedeinfluenced at all haha, dont think i even saw a swedish flag haha not as committed as the americans or norweguien people... made a really nice dinner though, pasta, salmon, mozarella, avocado, maaiz etc really nice...
saturday my first awaygame where we actually rode the bus, to Falun. we watched pitch perfect on the way up there, haha honestly the funniest movie.... fat amy made the ride more fun. and even better, we won the game 1-0 so now we're officially alone at the top cuz the team that was above us before lost their game, unluckyy!!! so were number 1 in the conference atm wohooo! celebrated that with a drink and cake night (drove tho so no drinks w alcohol for me but the cake.... nailed that i can assure yaaa it was scrumptious!!! thank you hanna for that....
today its actually been sunny so I did tan for a bit, i feel truly pale right now to be honest... and finished the night best way possible watching Hammarby win 4-0 against Landskrona and is also in the top now great game and we got to see it from the vip section as well cuz my uncle gave us tickets.

have to say 2 more things,

1.what i really love and appreciate looots when it comes to sweden is the swedish summer , when you can walk without a jacket at night without being cold, best evvaahh

2.been so excited to move too but now that i realized how insanely much it is to pack...its literally everything... panic. tried to start this week but wasnt overly successful. have to take care of it this upcoming week tho cuz tomorrow we have access to the new house and saturday its OOON movingday boom goodbye 


Kategori: Allmänt

bra sak med landet-> maten 



min o lillytheKIDS middag  haha deennis

bästa mottot 


Kategori: Allmänt

helloo goofs. 
it was a red day thursday which meant we had a day off from work winning, i  literally spend the whole day on the couch watching movies backtoback, it was soo fricken nice it never happens (although the weather was good so felt a litl bad laying in all day lol). i have to say the best one was high school musical 3 ofcourse, never goes wrong with some singing and dancing.....
friday many people had off too but i worked, didnt mind tho cuz weather was shiteee. practice friday night in the wonderful rain as well. after practice i hit the gas pedal and drove to my cousins summerhouse. when  i got there my aunt gave me soo much food and loads of pie mmmmm, we relaxed all nite and played this hilarious board game called "with other words", if ya havent played it, DO IT and youll have a blast. 
saturday woke up early and went for a run in the woods with my uncle, ups and downs, sprints, slow jogging, always funner when youre 2. and a big theenks to him for always pushing me and making me better. later that day we went to this farmhouse to look at animals and stuff, cows, pigs, horses lol. and last nite i finally got to see my wonderful Tyresö teammates on a reunion at Barthels. we had a bbq, had a music quiz led by palmthepalm, cant go right.....and just hung out and watched loads of photots from previous events and our week in turkey last year, so many memories.... i realize how much i miss these great kids *sad face*
gameday against Ope(?) today. ugliest name buut ay who cares the name isnt everything maybe theyre the greatest. anyways were better and thats gonna bring us home the victory today! weathers great for soccer so cant complain about NOTHing- chock. hope youuguysis have had a great weekend and that youll end whats left of it and reload for a new fun week. hejjdååå
btw the feeling when you realize the plug to youre speakers is american and you cant load them.. ugh wtf