
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

catch up bilder

Kategori: Allmänt

födelsedags firande o annat firande ocksåå 

nick's diner typiskt amerikanskt



köpt cykeeeel!!

senior day and mooonfest


Kategori: Allmänt

9 games flew by so so so so damn fast... conference is officially over and second year in a row i got to experience 9 executive wins- undefeated- winners of our sun conferrence :)) the game ended 4-0 yesterday and it was the so called seniorgame, the last home game for the seniors in the conference- ever. so fricken sad.... for real blehhh tears me up just to think about it. they all got awards after the game and a nice celebration afterwards with food at duffys followed by moonfest, a halloween thingy downtown where the street is completely opened access to all of the clubs, uhm food stands, live bands etc etc, and everyone dressed out as different things ofc! me hero fil and anna were ipods, we were very satisfied with our creativity lol and it turned out to be a succeess hhe :) recommend it! easy fast cheap all that! 
today im missing out on rapids waterpark cuz im stuck at work, lavvv it. 
weve picked out classes for next semester now alreadyyy,.... crazy to even think this semester is almost over jeez. can we just slow down a bit please


Kategori: Allmänt

my birthday was friday, felt kinda sad though i only turned 20 so couldnt even go out to celebrate and say it was my birthdayyy cuz then i would have had to show my real id and on that one im not 21... fail. well it has been a great weekend :) started with breakfast with my awesome roommates at this typical american place nick's diner where we ate so many nice things such as omelette, scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, hash browns, hot chocolate, yammi it was really nice. then wehad a game and won 2-1 which was a good present. later we had dinner at amicis great pizza :) then the celebration continued at some of the girls place where we drank, played beerpong, hung out. night ended at this beautiful place downtown wiith drinks and  with great people. where we sat down you could see the city all lit up and in the far distance you could also hear the music from the clubs. 
saturday we continued with a little poolparty, got a bit of a tan, played some drinking games and listened to music, played other ball stuff, good times! theen we had pregame at ours and then went to rooftop, always on point :) such a good night all over, and day! 
today im working in the library....picked up this shift form 2-6 every sunday-love life hehe. aja har tid o blogga nudå iallafall! accidently wrote that in swedish too lazy to erase. watching idol now as well, ludvig is still in it weyyyy, keep on cheering for him and wish him the best of luck, go gaga!!


Kategori: Allmänt

glad för ytterligare en vinst o ett till hattrick -> player of the week :)

lunch med val 


latenite fun


Kategori: Allmänt


pool at the ale house

annat poolhäng hehe 

bra style

bra o tvätta pengarna 

linnJo killerssss 


Kategori: Allmänt

dinner ar carooos 

love to live here..

roccos with valentina 

målar naglarna och välter sen nagellacket

pre game team dinner 

study sess

uno on the buZzz

erik lagar pannkakor snäller

bra kombo pll och fina pommes 


Kategori: Allmänt

we wonst against webber friday with 4-0 and just wanted to get out of that shithole after cuz they were just so annoying and showers were discusting and lalalal, luckily we went home with a win. 
yesterday was just relaxing, practice in the morning, then a little bit of pool, then i was gonna watch the guys game but so glad the freshies came and said they were going mall, we drove to wellington for their forever 21 :) i ended up driving tho, THANKGOD for google maps.... next time better navigator *saralie*.... haha no youre fine. at nite we had a team gathering at amys place, she cooked for everyone and you brought your own meat. it was superduper nice :) we had pasta veggies sauce etc. tiff also brought the most amazing cookies.... dangerous. went to bed early, slept in linns bed again hmm maybe 3rd night in a row? both of us are always laying watching our own pretty little liars with headphones in, haha convenient! 
today new game against warner, which is literally 3 min away from where we were friday -.- so we have to drive back 2.5 h to play- win- go back home :D 


Kategori: Allmänt

so, sad news... my math teacher passed away this weekend. not that i even know him that well but its so sad to hear about. and yesterday there was a memorial for him where several teachers and even students went up to the poduim to talk and tell stories about him etc etc and my throat was literally burning for an hour straight, couldnt hold the tears in!! 
and not only that but now my stats class got cancelled and they are now offering it at nite tuesdays and thursdays 6-7.20, fucking bullshit :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( and the teacher.. dunno what to say other than I miss Mazza alreday. I now have niteclass tuesday wednesday and thursday, fun times fun times.
went to the dorms last nite for some funfun, it was a whole lot of fun but i drove so i behaved big timee hehe. but always fun still do to stuff see new people and hang out with the ones you know already.
game tomorrow away against webber, OUHHKILLEEM :) heiido