
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

new internship :)

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chamber of commerce breakfast at the breakers

outside of office

Mar A Lago decent working environment 

st paddys day celebration in ft lauderdale

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livets liv

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love these people 
pizza night 

daytona springbreak

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hotel view


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springbreak here!! so nice to have some time off from school and im soo relieved... break is the best seriously. i was undecided whether to go to cancun or panama before but it ended up with daytona beach, im glad :D we had a great 3 days, me erin margie and caroline. we stayed at a hotel at the beach and the weather was so good, and it was a lot going on  cuz of spring break, and crowded evrywhere. we  had  agreat time drinking, eating out, tanning, went out etc it was all good, and pictures are coming hehe. 
and another reason why i decided to only go for that short was bc right before springbreak I got an internship :))) eeeek... it happened so fast but only reason i got it was bc i would be able to work during springbreak. its at a real estate company called Q Properties, but right now I'm helping planning for a car event next weekend, "The Palm Event", it will be held at Donald Trumps mansion Mar-A-Lago club and it will include yacht parties, ralley tours, mingling, foood, drinks, vintage sports cars etcetc. So excited to attend this :) even though its a lot to do ahead. But i'm so thrilled for this opportunity and I get to meet so many people and work on the palm beach Island which is one of the fanciest/riches places, lol idk if i fit in but yayaya.... This friday I'm going to a chambell of commerce breakfast/lecture at the Breakers for free with my boss, which also will be a great opportunity to network- some it all up I feel so lucky and I enjoy life to the fuulllest atm hähä. 
Going to bed now to cuz in the morning me and Adelaide are going to run at the beach and watch sunrise (hopefully it won't be foggy or rain) hehe cuz twice in a row i've went its been raining ive been so unlucky.... NIGHTY 


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Fail morning run with emma, we were suppose to watch sunset but started raining, forgot to look up the weather... 

Sushhhii middag 


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Alabama o alla hjärtans dag med louise haha

Allt möjligt

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Healthy Sweet potato brownies 

Finally getting to enjoy my breakfastss 

Mario kart 

Morning practices

We missed out on the dresscode ;) 


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Good times 

Solving rainproblem

Green Market downtown 

another catching up

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so havent written anything since we got back from philadelphia, which was a month ago now, time flies... Its been an intense month though with classes going on at full speed, and me and louise joining the track and field, work, etcetcetc. This past weekend we actually attended our first track meet, in Alabama. The trip was kind of different from when you go away for soccer, cuz it's so much just relaxing, eats alot, hanging out, watching others compete, and then your actual competing time lasts for less than 3 min. I ran the 800 m, and my goal was to got in under 2.40, and not to come in last. I came in at 2.40.47, which im very happy for aaand i got in second to last, haha. everything except a last place was a victoryy......It was an overall fun experience though and im so glad i went :) 
Whatelse has been going on, we've gone to the movies, watching 2 movies in a row, thats one thing thats very good in america that you pay for a ticket and once youre in the movies you can just walk between evry movie, so could basically be there for an entire day! 
Hmm whatelse, biggest failure this morning, me and emma were going to the beach to watch the sunset and run so we woke up at 6.15 and drove there at 6.30 and we come there and its fucking cloudy and starts to rain hahahah so ludicrous, we felt so dumb not even looking up the weather before.......... 
Last news i guess is that soccer started yesterday, and we started off by running the 2mile and we had to make it under 14 minutes, and I got in at 13.29 so im happy, even a decrease since my freshman year when I made it on 13.59. However, there were 6 of us that made it on time so we are re running it every monday til everyone passes. And every practice is going to consist of an hour with the ball and 30 minutes of running... Today we only sprinted for 15 minutes tho, so happy.. i feel good at the moment though, joining the track team probably did us good in that point of viewwwww :) i dont think ill keep it up that much now tho even tho they have practice at 7am I dont know if ill have the energy to do it, and it's actually kinda nice to get some sleepins too, and as the breakfastlover i am, i like sitting down relaxing and eating a nice breakfast in the morning, which I will appreciate now :)
GREATEST NEWS THO- WE FINALLY HAVE WIFI IN OUR APARTMENT AFTER HAVE BEEN OUT FOR OVER 6 WEEKS- HAPPINNESSSSSS..... I've even forgot how nice it actually is to have wifi at home... so now im back watching 90201 on netflix tooo hehehe... Even though some time without wifi made us buy a mario kart for the wii, which has been veryyyy much used- funnest game :) 

Some snapchat pixxx

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New running adventure with lulluuu 

New shortcut to school now when theyre renovating publixxxx 

Morning practice 

Go sweden who lost 

New baby brother 

catch up

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so time to catch up a few weeks again, school has started once again and it feels like this semester is going to be alright with the classes I have (apart from accounting 2 just shoot me now please, struggles)
Anyways its fun being back, to see everyone and getting into rutins! and speaking of rutins me and Louise decided to test out for the track and field team, now that we're not in season yet. so this whole week ive had training at 7 am every morning, surprisingly your body adjust sooo fast so i have woken up by myself 6.15 two mornings in a row.. running has always been the thing ive hated the most, so this is truly one of the biggest challenges ive taken on- so far so good tho, and hopefully it will make us fit for soccer as welll, :)
me and louise also went to philadelphia last weekend, took and early flight saturday up there and late flight back sunday, short but INTENSE. we did so much those two days. we primarly went for the all american award we were given at a banquete saturday. we made it to the all-american team this year so thats what the banquete was for-hand out awards. but we also touristed a whole lot, went out for dinner at this awesome pizza place, and just had a good time, even though it  was below zero and fricken rain all sunday. amazing city with a lot of history, I wouldn't mind going back during summer time but I feel like I won't be going back there anytime soon so im glad we got to see a few things, such as the liberty beell and independence hall etc where they signed decleration of independence lalalal.. not that knowledgable with stuff like that but hey at least it sounds pretty coool huh :) 
tonight it's indoor soccer in the gym which i look forward toooo and tomorrow morning its practice again but THEN i have the weekend off, which I will appreciate so much cuz im insanely sore. however, i hope i wont wake up by myself around 6 saturday................. miss yaall back home, love to you

And a little more- mostly bahamas

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Cant tell but massive boat

More cruise

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Little bit of cruise norwegian getaway

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Lite semester med mamma

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hello theere. havent written here in forever so felt like it was time. 
Just came back to west palm after 4 weeks of vacation all over with first mom and my sister and then dad stepmom and my sister, its been amazing tho. First 2 weeks roadtripping in Florida seeing all different places such as Naples, Fort Myers, Key West etcetc. And last 2 weeks first Miami and then Cruise around the Caribbeans. A b s o l u t e l y fantastic. There are so many beautiful places over the world and its been great seeing a few of them like Virgin Islands and Bahamas. The cruise was called Norwegian Getaway and it was the latest addition of vessels available, insanely big and they had everything. Has been great spending time with family too, and especially my sister, she has made these 5 weeks a blast. Said bye to her today and will miss her like crazy, the little kid has finally grown up a little........ :) 
Feels really good to be back tho I'm excited to see everyone and for this new semester to begin :D We dont have wifi in our apartment so right now I'm at tiffanyys and there place to get internet acccess, so convenient being neighbours hähähä.  
Will upload some pictures soon.

alabama nationals

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community service kidzzz


grym stretch