
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

first days

Kategori: Allmänt

flying is fun

godaaste biffarna.... 

morning workouts 

Lets do thiis :))))

new year new opportunities,hehehe…

Kategori: Allmänt

I've been really bad updating lately. past 3 months. uhm my entire time in sweden so to say, at least picture wise.. However I've posted a few albums on facebook so guys you havent missed out Promise yaa. Anywayys, new start, new year, new attempt to get better at blogging again, for the ones who's interested and have missed it. :) Atleast I'll post more pictures, i dont know about youu but its boring to read and a whole lot funner to scroll through pictures even if they're ugly prettty annoying cool dazzling whatever! 
Fyi it feels SO fricken great to be back tho. me and linn are on clouds right now just loving everything. couldnt be happier and i couldnt be more excited for this year. my 3rd year of college. wow. time flies. BRING IT ON Keiser (?) 


Kategori: Allmänt

Friends, one of the greatest things in life. It's never too late to find best friends so to say, or just friends that you know you will stay with forever. And every time I meet new people I think to myself why I haven't met these people earlier (?) then again, better late than never, and we also still have a long long life ahead of us so time is not something we're short on. Once again, through soccer I meet the most people and idk why I manage to get along so well with them, maybe because of the one thing that brings us together and lets us get along so well is our true passion for our sport? I don't think that's the only reason, but it might have something to do with it. This week I've met people for the first time in my life, from different countries such as Iceland, Sweden, and America, and it's like I've known them my whole life, and we've been doing different things each day and I have to say I'm just a big fan of life. I don't really want to claim that the behaviour of "inviting" people you've never met before to hang out and tag along on random adventures, and maybe that's what has happened because the majority of us in this case is actually internationals. I love people that are open to meet new people and that are so easy to get along with, and after 3 days it felt like a friendship of a lifetime pretty much. However, this is the shitty part about not being settled down in one place, but the fact that I live in two complete different parts of the world; West Palm Beach, Florida, and Stockholm, Sweden. It's always hard to leave people that you've become really close to when you know you won't come home for a year, two years, who knows. Anyways, I just want to thank the people that makes my life such a great life on earth, and I really do enjoy every single day of my life, and for the people that goes around having "söndagsångest", or waiting for Friday and the weekend to begin, common don't do that..learn to enjoy every single day instead. Stop for a second, and suck it all in.
A special thank you goes to my role model Jackie Bachteler who does everything for me, who literally sees the best in everyone and who I also would do anything for. You're the best training coach/mate, you teach me new stuff every day, you're taking me to meet all these new great people, you're unexpected adventures and fluent swedish gives me endless laughs, and ultimately you also give me great life opportunities within soccer, as well as outside of soccer that I will forever benefit from,
One day. Coaching. Camps. America. Sweden. Australia. Spain. Costa Rica. Passion. Hard Work. Happiness. Together. One day.