
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.

sommar i sverige

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Long time no blog

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I haven't posted anything in the longest time, and I kind of miss it, even if you're not, hehe. Sure will post more often and once again more pictures!


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so, springbreak usually means going to florida(?) to party i guess, but me and emma left florida instead, for NY and i couldnt be more satisfied with this week. We have walked e v e r y w h e r e and I dont know how many steps we've reached, more than usually is a fact. Started our weekend on Long Island with Steph who we have missed plenty, saw sunrises and had bagels and just played americans. Mon-Sat in NYC and we went to Empire State Building, Rockerfeller top of the rock, Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, Little Italy, Central Park, Times Square, Madame Tussaude wax museum, Brooklyn bridge, Brooklyn, Wall Street, Madison Square Garden basketball game, Broadway show (Finding Neverland), Grand central station, St patrick catedral, Dave&busters lol. etc.etc.etc.etc. we've eaten the "famous" pizza, we've been juggling in parks, and also found our favorite lunch place, or dinner too. Hummus &Pita, hello swedes.. anyway falafel in pita bread with plenty of other things on it. We brought winter jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and expected pretty much snow and super cold, but no nono opposite. it's been in the 70's and sunny...??!?!? (around 25 celcius). i do believe it got cold again the day we left so maybe we just brought some heat from florida to bring it back down with us again. We are going through our millions of videos and pictures and we just wanna go back, at least we're gonna attempt to put a movie together based on our fab trip. I know that everyone have been so happy with their spring breaks whether its been on Hawaii surfing, in LA partying with celebs or in Key West merely drinking lal. EVen though it's a bummer school starts tomorrow I can't wait to see everyone again, miss those teammates of mine. 

sister visiting

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hollywood studios 

indiana jones show 

Animal Kingdom 


when soccer has been 

sweden vs america 


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Awfully bad at updating by the looks of it, but I would like to say that it's because a lot of things is going on all the time, and I enjoy every single thing. Fair enough, it takes 10 minutes to blog and surely I have more time than that to spare everyday.. Florida has been very cold in January "cold" actually degrees as low as 5-10, which I guess isnt cold compared to Swe but still cold. I'm doing Track again this year, or I'm training to run for Conference in April something, so til then it's just to get some extra fitness in, even though it's a bit too early to train at 7 am, my body is too damaged now though so even though I have a morning off I'm awake by 6.30 ish anyways. Soccer started Feb 1st as well, which is superduperduber fun, I have really missed not playing since Dec, even though this spring semester seems to include a lot of running, which isnt as fun, not at all tbh. I really really really love my team thou, every single one on that team is on my tophitfavorite list whatever and I'm happy to spend every day out there with them working hard for fall semester. This weekend we all worked together at the annually Smoke Inn event, where we serve rich people food, drinks, and cigarrs a whole day, and this year def peaked it, it was so so fun and I just wanna do it again already, hopefully we made a lot of money too, we'll see later this week after they've counted everything. I worked Sunday as well, babysitting, all day.. 8-9.30pm on 4 h of sleep, something I definitely recommend. No but seriously couldnt have asked for a better job, bc the 2 kids are just so awesome :)
So to say something about school maybe... but I cant really say that I'm anxious about it because I really like all of them, or some exceptions maybe but nothing I can't handle, not too much homework etc etiher whichs makes life very easy for me hähääh. atleast time to work, and work a little bit more. 
And one more thing. spring break in 11 days WHICH MEANS ME AND EMMA ARE GOINT TO NEW YORK IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!! SO SO EXCITED :D :D :D 

Six Flags, San Diego.

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We spent our first day in LA at Six Flags, an amusement park for the ones who don't know what it is, and that chain is actually classified as one of the best in the US, but we literally spent 70 bucks each to stand in line and freeze. Think we went on 6 rides during the whole day and it was fricken superduper cold, the rides were fun ofcourse but so not worth it..... Best thing about the day was that we bought a to-go cup with unlimited refills on hot chocolate, I don't know how much hot chocolate I consumed that day to be honest, more than I have been for the past 10 yrs no joke. We came home in hope of getting warm but no no, Hero's apt was colder than Sweden seriously so we had to snuggle up sleep tight next to each other with hoodies and sweatpants. 
28th me, Lou, and Filippa headed to San Diego by bus, took us approx 3 h to get down there and when we arrived we checked in to this hostel called "Lucky D", such a good thing with hostels, so cheap and breakfast included, winning. It felt like being in Sweden for a moment because that night it was cold and rainy and we walked around to every single places (just like in Sthlm).
The morning after it was much warmer and we had a full tourist day in San Diego. BEAUTIFUL CITY. Definitely raisingchildren/settlingdown/seasons everything friendly. We all fell in love. We paid for a trolley to take us around the whole city and we were in places such as Balboa Park, Seaport Village (cutest area by the water with alot of small houses and food places and packed with people), Old Town (where we jumped off for Mexican lunch with a bonfire at our table), and Coronado Island where we also hopped off and walked from one side of the island to the other to watch the sunset, BEAUTIFUL. Completely clear sky so we thought we were going to see a green flash, but unfortunately we didn't. 
At night we went to a new hostel by the water to leave our bags and then walked to a TacoTuesday to get unlimited tacos for 5 bucks. Margeritas were ordered by Lou and Flipp and after a few hours we headed to a Karaoke bar where me and Louise sang the opening song (good thing because we wouldn't have wanted to sing after the next people bc they were way better lol) Before we left for the night we sang a 4 duo with 2 other guys, "I Want it That Way- Backstreet Boys". 
3rd and last day in San Diego started with a run on the beach, perfect temperature and just lovely. Afterwards we made breakfast (eggs, bacon, pancakees etc) on a griddle (stekplatta) on the table, felt really hike-ish. After that we were going to walk to "La Jolla", a beach we had gotten recommended, we started walking and thought the day was going to SO-SO. Not the way it turned out. We decided to hitchhike (lifta) and we walked with our thumbs out for a few minutes before one man stopped, in the smallest porsche I've seen, but we hopped in. And he was overly nice and wanted to take us EVERYWHERE when we said it was our first time in San Diego. We sat in the car with all of our bags all bent and uncomfortable, but it was totally worth it. We made atleast 10 different stops and he took us up along the coast and we got to see seals, beaches, sky diving, shops etc. Our last stop was a known tivoli where he bought us a ticket to one of the Roller Coasters as a "treat", even though we wanted to buy HIM his ticket for being so nice, but he insisted so he was the one paying for all of us instead. It was so fun, and a great way to end our trip in San Diego. After that he dropped us at the bus station and we ended up missing the bus we were suppose to catch and had to wait for another hour. Traffic back to LA was awful and it took us an xtra 2 hours to get back to Matildas apt. But now we've seen San Diego and we all want to go back one day :D 

different christmas than usual

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our Christmas was special this year, not saying it wasn't great, just different. We were gonna climb 3 peaks, a pretty rough hike that included ropes and stuff in order to be able to climb upwards. It started raining on the way up and it got slipper and muddy. Once we reached the first peak we ate the swedish meatballs we had made the night before and we shared them with some japanese/americans. we decided to turn around instead of going the last 2 peaks bc apparantly they were abit dangerous. on the way down matilda won the mud competition, she slipped over 10 times and it was just the funniest witnessing that no joke. After that we hurried to Pearl Harbour to get a fee pictures and check it off the list. And then we drove to North Shore for a xmas party. Arnold the host had smoked both turkey and ham on the grill and it was just delicious. After dinner we made a bonfire on the beach and made smores and just hungout. We also witnessed something very very special and it was called a moonbow (instead of a rainbow) and it just lid up the pitch dark sky, we got lucky bc it's supposedly rare. I loved every minute of our absolutely nontraditional christmas with people we didn't know at all before, one wonderful thing about America is how friendly and caring everyone is.
The morning after we all went for breakfast and then spent the rest of the day on the beach, sunny/rainy/sandy. We ended our day with an acai bowl from the only open food truck and then headed back home to pack.
Next morning (26th) it was time for our next adventure. LA! The flight was all planned (atleast for me, hero and louise) bc Filippa checked her email ON THE WAY to airport and apparently it said in her confirmation email that it had been declined (weeks ago) after a little freaking out and more money spent she got another last minute flight ticket and came with another airplane right before us to Santa Monica,Los Angeles. We were all reunited, the favorite 4.

a few pictures from the trip

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overwinning our fears

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We were going to try another hike we were tiny bit scared because it was a 6 hour hike up and down (if you were fast) and in the car before filippa was quite anxious and asked lou to google "dangerous wildlife" and lou showed me in the front a bit discrete how it said "one of ohau's most dangerous hikes" and I whispered back to her Don't show Filippa and filippa starts screaming in the backseat "what did it say?!?!?" and lou responded nothing it just get slippery when it rains (and it was currently raining outside) so we decided to stay in the car for a few minutes before we went out, opened the trunk only to see that our water container had leaked and the shirt I was gonna wear was soaked- happiness. Anyway we started our journey and we were supposed to follow purple dots and we barely saw any and after a while we hadn't seen any for about 1.5h and we thought it was bc the path was too obvious, but how wrong were we. It was so so steep and slippery but noone wanted to turn around, and with a bit miscommunication within the group filippa finally said stop lets google reviews, it said: "after 50 ft OBVIOUS ARROW TO THE LEFT. we had gone right, and we had been walking for how long I said, appr 1.5 h. and we had reached a point where we saw a waterfall from a distance, but literally couldn't get any further bc of how steep it was, so our trip had ended and we started our way down- and we were gliding on our asses on the way down and fell on each other and i dont know, we were just a mess, but we couldn't stop laughing still bc of how stubborn everyone was and didn't wannna bail out. Finally We came down to where we saw the arrows to the LEFT and started walking that way instead and then up that direction, however, we decided that we had gotten enough after about 40 minutes walking right up that way and then went back down. Our hike ended after 5 hours so we were still out for a while. After the hike we stopped at  a beach somewhere to rinse off and then we headed to North Shore to stay with a friend of Filippa. We went out for dinner and then passed out EARLY. 
The next morning we went to a hidden hidden beach along the road and it was just incredible. We relaxed for a few hours, then went to eat butter garlic shrimp from a food truck (specialty over here apparantely) before it was time to pick our Hero up. FINALLY STERLING IS REUNITED IN HAWAIIIII!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D 
right after we picked her up we decided to go to another hike, we thought it was going to be short but beatuiful, we came to the parking lot and told one of the parking ladies we wanted to do the hike, she looked weird at us then looked up at the mountain and said "it's very windy today", but we were there so we were going to do it. As soon as we stepped into the forest we hit a sign "Do Not Go Beyond This Point" we continued even though we tog vatten över våra huvuden. and this I have to say was one of the worst things I've done due to my fear of heights, and luckily the wind went INWARDS and not towards the fricken deadly fall. There were ropes along the way toassist us climbing up and FINALLY WE FOUND THE WHOLE WE WERE LOOKING FOR. It was incredible. but after spending like 10 min there another guy came and said that 3 people had died from the wind taking another turn and sucking the people out. we got scared. took a final picture AND WENT BACK DOWN. 

done with schools. Universal, Hawaii. and it only gets better.

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finally im done with school, just did my last test (online from hawaii. failed. not worth mentioning but I got unlucky) however, FINITO w. fall 2015. Not that im complaining over school... have barely been there for a few weeks bc first we were in Alabama for Nationals for almost a week, and after we lost (BUU) ive only had things online to hand in. And ive also had fanny with me in west Palm for 12 days and we've been doing alot of fun things such as Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures (IN LOVE w them places),  go carting, canoing, visited our dear friend Jackie in Melbourne etc. good times.

Same day as Fanny left to Sweden, I flew to Hawaii instead with Louise (my travelling partner in crime) to visit our Filippa. This place is amazing. Mountains wherever we turn and we've been on 3 different hikes so far. Today we did the coolest one bc it was muddy and we had to hold onto branches, trees, ropes and filippa did a really good job catching herself last minute when slipping in the mud and almost faceplanted 5 times. the trail led us to a waterfall which was amazing, and sooo fun to jump down from
tomorrow we're waking up early for another hike and later on a visit to North Shore, Oahuuuuuu.
Aloha sweet peas 


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I have loved soccer for as long as I can remember and that is not a secret, and in August I started coaching for the Palm Beach Gardens Predators here in West Palm, where I currently live. I train a u8 girls team alone, and I also help assisting one of my very good friends, and former teammate Amy with u12 girls, as well as covering here and there for all different ages within the club, u10’s, u11’s etc. I’m very thrilled I got the opportunity to coach because I have such a passion for it and once you get to know the players better it is fantastic, getting to see there developments from day 1. Not only their individual play, but also the way they have now started to link up with each other, how they help each other out, and how they make each other better on the field. When they finally understand something I have been trying to teach them, I just get this rush, and I feel so proud of my players. I’ve finally realized why people actually want to become teachers, because I’m assuming they feel the same way about their students when they finally see the lights turn on and they really understand.
To be honest, it’s not the easiest task trying to learn an 8 year old how to play smart, how much of an importance it has to pass the ball, or why we are communicating on the field, or to simply help a teammate out by saying “good job”. I’ve actually heard somewhere that it’s not until kids reach the age of 12 that their brain has developed somewhat into the brain of a grown-up, which I sometimes have to remind myself when I’m at practice with my little 6-8 year old girls, it takes patience, which is something I’m not known for having. However, they make me want to become more patient, which is a huge deal for me at the moment, as well as it will be in the future, because they are simply helping me to become a better person without even being aware of it. On the other hand, this is something that makes me even more proud of, when they listen carefully and really starts to understand the common terms I am constantly occupying their minds with, such as “width”, “depth”, “spread out”, “pass”, “cover”, “step”, and much more. 

 In a time period from August up until today, October, they have come such a long way. Not only when it comes to soccer, because I’m not going to lie, they had plenty of talent before I took them over, which certainly has improved even more, but what I really wanted to point out is their behavior towards each other, and their ability to listen to “Coach Jo”(me), and to always try their greatest. For 1 hour and 15 minutes, 2 times a week, we are there to learn how to play soccer, and to be a good teammate, and as every week pass by, our session becomes more and more perfect. It is such an amazing feeling when you show up to practice and the girls get crazy starting to yell your name, running up to you wanting to hug me, asking if I can pass with them, tie their shoe laces, or just open their water bottles, really, it could be anything. Simply the smiles on their faces puts me in a better mode, and makes me want to do everything in my power to make them better players, but also to enjoy themselves in practice.

However, there are some downsides with it as well; Today we were scrimmaging against the boys and we had to mix the teams up a little bit because the boys were so many more than us, both ages 7 and 8. In one game this one boy got put alone with 6 of my girls, and he kept walking around with his head down saying in front of them how he didn’t wanted to play on the girls team, that he didn’t wanted to pass the ball to any of them, and so on. When I heard this, me, and the 2 other coaches their decided to put him on the bench, mostly to prove a point that attitude you don’t deserve to be on the field. Additionally, in the game after, my girls were going to play the boys only, and this 1 forward on the boys team goes: “This is going to be so easy, they’re just girls”. I kindly asked him to repeat himself, knowing in the back of my head that he was going to regret what he had just thrown out their, because I just knew that those 7 girls were going to make everything in their power to prove him wrong. The game started and yes indeed did they prove him, along with the rest of the boys, wrong. My girls scored 2 goals within the first 5 minutes and kept that score throughout the game. I asked him after the 2nd goal scored if he still thought it was “so easy playing the girls” and he was just standing there quiet looking at me. I just find this attitude so sad, and I thought it was a behavior that we had passed and had moved on from years and years ago, but clearly it still exists, and really hopes it will diminish more and more as time goes by. However, to end on a good note, I want to give my girls credit for being such amazing kids, and I hope I will get the chance to continue to coach them for a good period of time. 



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away games

love these 

from my coahing kid

råkade gå hem när de börja regna

liv cut her hand open and broke her noes within 2 days, this was her signature Hahahhaha

o nu har jag fyllt 21 

wesr your favorite sport shirt at practice


Senior Day


catch up bilder

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skype med favorit

new love


early mornings


long time no see

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I haven't written anything in a long long time, but I've posted pictures so I feel like I really don't have to write that much. It's Friday morning before 8 am and I'm sitting down enjoying my breakfast and looking out at the shitty weather. You guys might think Florida is the sunniest place on earth but it's been terrible all week basically, I've enjoyed it a bit though because 2 of my coaching sessions has been cancelled, hehe, no sorry that's not anything I should be happy about but it was just good timing this week because I've had alot to do. When I didn't get as happy though when it was absolutely pouring our entire day off (wednesday) 
We played our last game before conference starts next week, we won 4-0 and I actually did 3 goals, shock. Felt like a good confidence booost before the real season starts though. 
When I said earlier I have a lot do I wasn't completely honest, I have 4 classes for now, 3 of them in school and one online, so I can definitely handle school, I actually don't mind it since I still like all my classes, how great is that? And I will also miss a lot of wednesday classes because wwe have games, I don't know how I feel about that, not too bothered but I really love the class (psychology) and the teacher is the cutest ever, anyways she told us it was fine so I think we will be ok still, luckily we are about 5 soccer girls in the same class. 
Other things that has happened IS ME AND EMMA PASSED OUR AMERICAN DRIVER LICENSES!!! So we're driving legally big time now which feels great. And for those who doesnt know it yet I bought my own car in August and it feels so great, now I wonder how I survived my first 2 years without one... maybe cuz I used to live closer to school! anyways, the independency feels awesome. 
Since we're sooooo so so many swedes we are having a crawfish party saturaday wiihuu, I'm not a fan of crawfish but it's gonna be so much fun. 
Because of our games have been at dumb times (exactly when I coach my little u8 girls) I haven't seen them for over a week now and apparantly they are asking about me according to the girl who is covering for me, and I just cant wait to see them theyre just too adorable, we have a game tomorrow so I'm excited to seee them little rascals. 
For now I don't have any more updates but I will have more soon, ciaooo :)

mer catch up

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hatar vår gate. 

skype med dessa!! 

bioolärt väder....



skoj med denna

facetime när båda är i rummet klass